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Why the game sucks.


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I'll make this as short as possible , there are enough "essays" and diatribes from people on their thoughts.


-Force powers are not balanced. It should be a strategic choice in which powers you choose. Every force power should have an advantage and a disadvantage.


-Backstab is necessary to top the board. This move needs some sort of a penalty to prevent spamming.


-Lightsaber feels like a whiffleball-bat. Reducing the damage of the lightsaber was not a good idea. By default it should be like 1.02 with an optional setting to lower the damage for those FEW that like drawn out fights.


-There is no developer to community communication. Everyone has been posting here for WEEKS with no feedback. Seriously, it only takes 1 minute to look at the board and see how upset everyone is. A single sticky post from the developers acknowledging the complaints would reduce the pleas for change by 10 fold.


-The chances of a new patch making things better is quite slim, in addition any new gameplay imbalances will probably go weeks and weeks without change or even comment.


I see no hope for this game for at least 3 months.



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I agree with Kal....


Gandmaster...i have a plan for you. if this game isnt going to last 3 months, beat the crowds and QUIT, and dont post messages on this forum. I have a feeling Ive heard what youve said a few times before.......so just shut the hell up. im really sick of your bitching. Go play Quake.

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I have to say that I agree with every said above exceptwith what Grand Master Lee said.


If the game, sucks play another. Sure some things need ajusting, in your view your just expressing your feeling, but having thread after thread saying the same damn thing over and over is pointless.

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Originally posted by =SSC=Kal-El

Just die.....


I wouldn't put it that way, but I agree with that sentiment. grandmasterlee, if you don't like the game.. well...

a) Dont play it

b) Dont ruin it for the rest of us. I don't want to hear your whining and I'm sure others would agree with me

c) Give some constructive criticism instead of just saying the game sucks

d) If you dont like it, make a mod. The tools are out now, so there's no reason to say the game "sucks". The ball's in your court now



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I'm really tired of people getting bashed because they have a negative opinion about the game. Grandmasterlee presented an arguement, rather than just saying "this sux0rz". There is a difference between that and bitching. If you fail to see it, ok whatever.


We've all paid good money for this game, if it isnt meeting our expectations we have the right to be angry. I cant speak for the rest of you, but I don't like throwing away $50.


For every moron that screams, "this sux0rz" theres another who screams back, "stfu quit bitching! die!". Idiots outnumber intelligent people in this game 10:1. If you disagree with someone thats cool, but telling them, "whiner! u suck!" only makes you look like an ass. It also doesnt add any weight to your opinion.


Yeah, theres probably 100 other threads written by people who dislike the patch, but theres also 100s of threads written by people who love the patch too. So what? Threads get buried over time. People dont like it when old threads are bumped. So what are people supposed to do? Not talk?

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Jarek - Haven't I told you to go away on your other threads? Well, I really wasnt kidding. Your "witty banter" is getting kind of old. You sound like a broken record. Please, do it for the kids. Go away. And don't come back.

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