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My first map ever to be displayed


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OK got my map pics on Jedioutcastmaps.com (thanks guys), i agree with there comment on the fact its a little dark, but i messed up the angle of the sky shaders light, it should be filled with a cool blue light, i think i may rase the brightness of it too


ok here you are


Imperial tower


tell me what you think, you have to imagine that there is a night time blue streaming in until i can get it sorted :)


im hoping that i can also turn it into a duel map, this will probably be the first beta ill release

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Personal taste:


I don't like the way the steps are lit. I would prefer one LONG light to the 4 short ones you are using.


Big spherical lights on sticks = groovy maybe you could add some kind of fitting thing to the bottom


It's tough to see properly but the dirty concrete walls in the coridoor bit need something to break them up a bit... some border as it hits the ground?


but god damn it looks good

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i split the lights on the steps because it was the easiest setup to light, ill have a fiddle, but i think your just gona have to keep that gripe


also that corridor is tiny, god knows what they did, all it is is a cunning vis block to keep my r_speeds nice and sweet


thanks though real boost:D

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The lighting is too drastic (and no, I'm not talking about the overall darkness, it's just that you have an area lighted, then the next area/spot totally black which ends up quite odd), and the architecture is nice but is over-boxy compared to the inside central area.


Try to follow the same design as you did in the middle with the rest of the level :).


Also keep the lighting to a more flow-like feeling, and try to make sure that it doesn't look like that some/most of your lights are coming from no where.


If you can, make some ramp ways along the sides in a spiral leading upwards to... some place with a large powerup, it would be fun and very fitting for your kind of 'fun' looking level.


Cheers ;)

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hmm, spiral ramps, hmm ideas.


yes the central area needs a few actual light fitings to make the light look believable, but its more or less finished structural wise.


The rest is still WIP though so expect more curves, im a little cautious of using them as my statues have a lot patches (there completely made of them!)


but thanks for the input

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