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Dual Sabers - an Idea

Ray Stantz

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I dont really know which of the forum rooms I should have put this in, but the At-St just brought to my attention a different way in making the dual sabers. You could have them 2 different weapons like the at-st main and side cannons. aka you can switch in between the lightsaber #1 and Lightsaber #2. Be easier to make it a command though (aka command as in "switch blades" than two different weapons. What do all you think about the idea?


That just reminded me of how you could work out akimbo lightsaber duels if they made a Star Wars Prequal Trilogy Arcade Game.

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Originally posted by Emon

Not possible, saber system is hard coded. That mod site is just setup by a bunch of lamers with no experiance who think they are editing gods because they can open bot files in notepad.


Now, now, you never know, they may just have $250,000 laying around for the Quake III license. Quit being so friggin negative, at least they're trying...

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