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Quel-Drin Fal's 2nd Lightsaber Released!


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Some in-game shots for you all.












I found a place to host this for a bit since the file section is down. This link will only be good for about 24hours then it will be gone. If anyone wants to post it somewhere else.. Feel free.. Hope people like this as much as I do. As soon as I saw it on the webpage i knew I had to have it. Begged freinds for help makin it big thanks to MADBONO who literally did most if not all of it. Ill have to take the credit for gettin it in the game. You'll note how BOTH HANDS fit on the saber. This was kinda a difficult task as the model needed to be a little bigger because of the enclosed knucklegaurd.

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Ok, I've finished the HUD images.



Creating them is not really hard. You must only edit the tga files you want to be changed in the ...\gfx\hud\ folder with Photoshop or something. Paint what you like and then add an alphachannel by selecting the parts you want to be shown ingame. At the edge the alpha channel should be darker, the middle of the object should be white.

Just look at mine for an example.

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How did you get your skin to show up in 3rd person??? when i load my model (the one i made) the skin is black and white.


any ideas?


very nice work on this saber by the way!


"pfffffff kshhhh impressive, very impressive!"



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Sure, I can make them. I have no problem that it will never be released, even half the things I painted were for people who just wanted their own private little thing.

I saw the images of your saber, but they can't be used for creating good quality images. So it's your choice. Make some big screenshots from MD3View or send me the saber so I can make it myself (which is better, because I can set the angle right)

My e-mail is terrence20@web.de

BTW, nice tutorial.

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Garik Loran i sent you an email requesting that hud image. As to gettin the skin to show on your saber. Because there is not .skin file for your sabers, you'll have to treat it like a static map object. Im pretty new to 3dsmax but ill try to explain. Assuming you already have your model uvmapped and stuff. In 3dsmax press the "M" key, that will bring up your material editor goto the map dialog goto the diffuse opion click on none, in the next dialog select bitmap from the tree on the right, and select your skinmap image. Im not sure if this is needed, but i did it so i could view the skin on my model while in 3dsmax. But back into uvw unwrap-->edit on the right theres a dropdown menu and in there you should see a pick texture option pick your texture press the show map checkers box icon, then update map. Again I'm a real newbie so i dont know if all this is needed but its what ive been doing and it seems to work fine. Good Luck.

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Actually im working on a grapple hook and an ascention gun right now. Though im not having much luck on the codeing end.


Garik Loran thanks a bunch for the hud pics there perfect. Im not gonna repost the saber just cause i dont wanna. So if someone else wants to repost it with the hud images. As long as you use the same .txt file i wouldnt care.

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