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It's a game......


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Well, I just wanted to jump in here and say "It's a game". Really that's all it is, it's supposed to be entertaining...just play it for what it is. Don't get all freaked about backstabs and "Spamming moves". I really enjoy playing this game, I think they did a great job on it. However, I also understand that some people are not happy with the product, well Buyer beware. That's life! You can't please everyone, and you never will. believe me, this game will be just like all the others, it will be hot for some time then it will drift into the background when new games come out. So just enjoy it!

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What I would like to see is this game not fade away. HL's still going strong, and JK1 lasted a good 4-5 years. Its a great platform for modding, and I think (hope) it will go a long way, so I can continue to enjoy way after its graphics are outdated.

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Yeah, saber duels are great. That's what makes this game. The game would be just alright without sabers and force powers I guess. It think it's great that it's not just a FPS. Cuz the saber battles are so unique, it has good replay value. So it should be here a while. Plus with all these new maps, models, updates and such, people will have a revitalized interest in the game. The new stuff will keep them coming back for some more.

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the buyer beware maxim is now irrelevant, since boards like these allow purchasers the ability to poll each other and present the results to developers, and the fact that developers can respond to game issues with patches.

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