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How do I import and use .md3 model files?


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right click in the wire view... then pick misc_model in the misc menu. When it brings up the file location window, close it without selecting anything (it only causes me trouble). Bring up the entity window (press n). Under key, type in model. Under value, type in the path of the model starting with the folder "models." For instance,




Then hit enter and it should pop up.

Give it a whirl!

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I almost forgot: when you get the model to come up, it won't really exist in your map. You'll be able to see it, but you won't be able to touch it; your character will walk right through it. In order to fix it, you need to make a brush through it and texture it with the no_draw texture in the systems folder.


Models-all looks, no substance

No_draw-All substance, can't see it.


Together we can make a pretty and touchable world.

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Originally posted by DividedByZero

I don't think I get it, say I add a bench model. Now what do I do? I put a brush inside it? Like a block or what? Does it matter what size it is? What about selecting "make structural"?


Create brushes entirely covered in the "clip" shader and put them in place so that the entire model is overlapped by them.


Anywhere with a clip brush placed, you won't be able to walk through.

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1. make a brush.

2. texture it with the no_draw in the system folder. (it'll say nodrawnodrawnodraw all over the block).

3. Move the texture so that it and the model are in the same place.


For something as simple as the bench, I'd make a simple rectange. For the statue in the bespin folder (models\map_objects\bespin\statue.md2) I'd try a cone. For the statue in the yavin folder (models\map_objects\yavin\statue.md3) I'd make a couple of no_draw brushes and maneuver them in such a way that they almost represent the statue. Probably a rectangle, a cylinder, and a cone. Hope that helps!

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king_jay: You have to change the path. Select the misc_model and then press n to bring up the entities window. When you get the window up, you'll find the key is model. The value YOU have is probably something like...


What you need to do is edit it down so that you only have it from the "models" folder on... like...


Hit enter and it should work.



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So it's basicly an invisible brush that prevents people from walking through it? How about somthing way more complex like a besbin cloud car? For the shuttle in that duel map, they have it like perfect! They must have spent a lot of time makeing invisible brushes that fit perfectly huh?

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I did a shuttle, and it is better then the one in the duel map. Mine you can walk under. Took me about 3 hours to clip all the brushes, and apply them. I think it is using 14 brushes of noclip. :) Still flush to the floor mind you.


I can make them solid, but I cannot make them take blaster fire. I mean I can stand on them all day and night, but I cannot shoot them. It goes right through. I was looking through the threads one day, and read one that explained how to do it, but that was a while ago, and I don't want to sift through the threads for an hour or so. Anyone anyone.


Since we are on the topic of models. I have these dismembered models that I have placed in my map. In the editor they look great. But when I load the map all I see is white. Will this go away when I pack my pk3 file, or will I need to add the texture/skin another way?

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