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A post about the problems that I see in JK2


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Are some of you going to think that I sound whiney? Probably. Am I that good of a JK2 player? No. But I do have opinions, and enough experience for them to be reasonable, so I think that you should at least listen to what I have to say.


First off, why is everybody so afraid of change? I see so many people vehemently opposed to any little change. The best games (IMO) frequently go through changes. Look at CS. Its the most popular FPS ever, and fun IMO (and I don't play that many FPSs), and it goes through major changes all the time. I think that change is good. It makes things exciting, and frankly, I like making minor adjustments to my playing style every once in a while. Playing the exact same game for months on end is not fun to me. I like the core game, but if you just improve some features, it makes things better. I'm not saying you should make changes just to make changes, but if things need to be fixed, I certainly think they should be.


Now if your only move is the pull/backstab I can see why you would be opposed to change. But most people don't like that. Sure I can dodge it, but its annoying, and even though I can kill them, fighting against backstabbers isn't fun.


Secondly, I want to talk about backstab. Everybody is weighing in with their opinion, so I will put mine down.


Backstabbing in FFA is fine. Its already a laming contest IMO, so one more powerful weapon isn't a big deal.


However, one of the activities that I find most enjoyable, namely dueling, is kind of ruined by backstab. Am I the only one who thinks that you should be at a disadvantage when you have your back turned? I see people turn their back to me in a duel, and I used to think "Yeah, an exposed back, I should attack." After all, that makes sense. But now I've learned that if they turn their back I should dodge because instant death is coming.


Personally, I like most of 1.03. I like the more lengthy saber duels. Is what I don't like is the fact that if somebody gets a little behind in a saber only duel, they immediately start spamming backstab. They need to connect on one lucky hit, and I need to work them down slowly. Doesn't really make sense.


Backstab is a cool concept, but it need tweeking. I say either reduce the damage so its not a super attack, or make it so that its unlikely to hit. People should still use it, but only in appropriate situations. Its kind of a desparation move IMO, not a move that you should try and set up every two seconds. Hell, I think that the pull/backstab combo is a sweet concept; it would look really cool in say a Star Wars movie. That doesn't mean I want to see it every 2 seconds though.


Finally, I would like to see some options added. I love the concept of FFAs. However, the current way they are executed makes them silly. Staying alive for long periods of time is pointless. After you use up the rocket launcher/disintegrator/repeater/flachette why should you stay alive? Saber kills aren't hard to get, but they take longer to get than Rocket kills, and FFA is a kill race, so why not just commit suicide and get the good weapons again?


I would like a couple of options added to fix this. First off, I think that FFA should have a ratio mode (set as an option of course) where you get 1 point for a kill and -1 for a death.


Secondly, I would like it if servers could easily tweak kill values. That way they could assign a value of like .5 points per kill for some weapons like the rocket launcher, you get a full point for semipowerful weapons like the blaster or saber, and 2 points for cool or difficult weapons like kick kills and pistol kills.


The way I see it, giving more options to servers can only help the game.


Thats it for now.

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"I would like a couple of options added to fix this. First off, I think that FFA should have a ratio mode (set as an option of course) where you get 1 point for a kill and -1 for a death."


Sounds like a good idea to me, it worked well in Quake 3:Arena.

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