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Saber Toss Loss in MP?


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I thought I recalled hearing that Raven would enable saber loss (i.e., when you toss the saber in single player and it's deflected, it can get knocked to the ground forcing you to retrieve it) but it doesn't appear on in 1.03 by default... is there a cvar to enable this?


For mod developers: Have you guys noticed anything in the SDK game code that would enable this feature?



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lost, as in it doesn't come back. So your standing there with your hand stuck out waiting for it to come back. It never does. No, searching the entire map for it won't help either. Once its gone, its gone.


Saber lock kill? I don't think i've seen it. Is it a special animation or just a thing where if you knock them back you swing and kill them?:confused:

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