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Saber Dissapearage


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So, there I was, just starting a duel, confident I'm going to win. As the duel starts I hold down throw saber and roll sideways... I get up and look for my saber... low and behold it was gone!!! I told the person I was dueling to wait a minute, and it didn't come back. I looked all over for the bloody thing and I couldn't find it anywhere!!! So I broke the duel, and hid in a corner (it was a saber only server) waiting for it to come back. It never did, then I proceeded to go kick some arse by kicking people, but I never did find that saber. Anyone else had this problem???




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yeah, that does happen a lot. It's happened like 5 times to me so far, and most of the time it just disappears. One time though, it was great, i way playing the Jedi_training map, and my lightsaber just got stuck in the air. i couldn't pick it up, it was just a blue line stuck horizontal in the air, i was laughing for like 5 minutes.

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