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ForceConfig problem!


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I made to scripts to change the ForcePowerSettings and the Bindings from Sith to Jedi and back!

But the Problem is, the Bindigs changes but not the ForcePowers!

Can anyone tell me why it doesn't work?


Here are the Configs:



bind INS "force_throw"
bind Mouse5 "force_throw"
bind DEL "force_pull"
bind PGDN "force_protect"
bind PGUP "force_absorb"
bind HOME "force_heal"
bind MOUSE4 "force_heal"
bind END "force_distract"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "force_seeing"
bind KP_END "force_speed"
bind F9 "exec sithconfig"

seta forcepowers "7-1-333302000220003231"

echo "^4You are now a Jedi-Master!"


and the sithconfig.cfg =

bind INS "force_throw"
bind Mouse5 "force_throw"
bind DEL "force_pull"
bind PGDN "+force_drain"
bind PGUP "force_rage"
bind HOME "+force_lightning"
bind MOUSE4 "+force_lightning"
bind END "+force_grip"
bind KP_LEFTARROW "force_seeing"
bind KP_END "force_speed"
bind F9 "exec jediconfig"

seta forcepowers "7-2-033320320000033231"

echo "^1You are now a Sith-Lord!"

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Originally posted by Xzzy

force power settings don't take effect until you die, or use the kill command from the console.


Have you tried that yet?


I've tried that to but it doesn't take effect!



Orignally posted by Tchouky

i cant remember but i think you had to use the command :

"forcepowerchanged" or something like that after ....


I need more Informations bout that!

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