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JK II - I'm stuck please help!


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I recently started playing JK II, and I’m stuck real bad and desperately need help. I am currently located where there are green, red, and blue areas down separate ramps from a center circle with a big computer. I cleared out all the areas and had to input codes into this computer. Finally, a light beam came down on the computer but I still cant use it? Is this the main array? In my mission details, it says put the red code in the main array, blue code, green code, etc. I think I have done all that but I’m not positive. In the mission menu, is the mission listed on top the current mission? Or is the bottom the current mission? Anyways, I’ve been stuck for two hours and I’m ready to give up and quit for good :( It’s a shame this game is real fun and I was enjoying it until I got stuck. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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After you've put in the three codes, red, green and blue, go around to the fourth side of the computer where you entered the codes. There will be three switches there. Turn the switches on and the fourth walkway leading off the central area will be extended - you'll see it after the switches have been extended.


Remember - the game only gets better the further you get, and the true Jedi must learn patience. Anger, fear, aggression - the dark side are they...

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I tried everything and can't get the 4th walkway to extend. I verified that I entered all the codes, red, green, and blue. The beam of light is shining down on the computer. I went to the 4th side of the computer and the switches will not move. They are currently all in the up position so I'm assuming I already moved them. I noticed on all the color coordinated computers, when you hit "use" it changes the pattern on the screen. Do these patterns need to be set in a certain sequence to extend the 4th ramp? I doubt it since there are so many. Anyways, I've tried everything and ready to give up....any last tips before i sell the game would be great. Thanks again!

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You haven't solved the puzzle my friend, but you're very close. here's what you need to do:


1-Each of the 3 color pads have 3 controls in front of them. During that level you found the 3 drawings on computer terminals. These drawings are in your mission list, when you press TAB.


2-Go in front of the blue panel, and use the 3 switches in front(they are not obvious at first) to switch the patterns. Make the pattern in your mission tab match with the one on the computer screen...


3-repeat for green and red


4- Now go on the 4th side, and turn on the 3 switches there (you couln't before, that's why it didn't work).


5-The walkway will be extended, congratulations you just finished the first level.


Some puzzles are harder than that.. gotta use that brain man ;) Actually. if you're like me, you made the assumption that the right codes would appear directly if you found them in the level.. wrong wrong

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Ah well...

I am not sure if I can help you, all I can say is DON'T SELL THE GAME at least not for that reason. Cheat, if you must (oops, I didn't say that!!!!).


You don't even have the saber yet, you saw only 5% of the whole fun! You'd be a fool... Don't give up!


Have you checked the sticky posts in this forum on the very top? I think one of them deals with your problem.


One more explanation: The beam on the computer activates the whole terminal in the first place. Before it is activated, Kyle should say something like "It's offline" whenever you try to hit a switch. I think only when it is online (i.e. the beam is there) you can enter the codes. There are always three symbols that have to be aligned so that the top symbol looks like the one in your datapad. When all codes are entered correctly, you are able to hit the other three switches.


There is one other thing I remember:

When Jan and you at first enter the base, she stands at some terminal hacking the computers while you explore the base. Then at some point, you find another terminal and you need Jan to break a code. You call her over the com, she says she's coming and then asks for your help because she is "in trouble". When you get her to that terminal, she will open up some more doors for you to proceed.

Question: have you been there already? Because if not, you still need to explore some places...


Hope it helped.


And remember: DON'T SELL THE GAME! :)

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