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New Batch Files Still Not Working


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Hi, if anyone can help, it would be much appreciated.


I've been trying to do the simple task of getting the qvm file to compile using game.bat. I've tried using the new files available online, and these are some of the problems I encounter.



The first thing it says is "Too Many Parameters"

A couple lines down, when using del /q vm, it says "Invalid switch - /Q"

Then, a few more lines down, it puts in the command, "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\TestMod\Code\game\vm>..\..\..\bin\lcc -A -DQ3_VM -DMISSIONPACK -S -Wf-target=bytecode -Wf-g -I..\..\cgame -I..\..\game -I..\..\ui ../g_main.c"

The response is: "C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~2\TESTMOD\BIN\LCC.EXE: cpp: No such file or directory"


I've check, and all the file paths are correct. I think, that "cpp" at the end of the last part must be part of the problem, but I'm not sure how. If anyone can tell from this what I might be doing wrong, or has ideas of what to investigate, I'd love the help. Can't wait to start trying to modify the code.


Thanks a lot,


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Originally posted by Tchouky

i have my jk2 in



and i had absolutly no problems with the batch files ....

i didn't even change 1 line !

(q3 has been a real bitch to get it working but jk2 was niiice)

I even deleted all files in Z:\Games\JK2 except for the GameData folder, then moved the files in GameData to Z:\Games\JK2, then deleted the GameData folder :D



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Look at the relative paths. Do not put your code into


just put it in ....\GameData\TestMod.

Otherwise when it's in your code's game\vm directory, the ..\..\..\bin\ reference won't have lcc and cpp in it like it should.


Originally posted by Blinkity

Then, a few more lines down, it puts in the command, "C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\TestMod\Code\game\vm>..\..\..\bin\lcc -A -DQ3_VM -DMISSIONPACK -S -Wf-target=bytecode -Wf-g -I..\..\cgame -I..\..\game -I..\..\ui ../g_main.c"

The response is: "C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~2\TESTMOD\BIN\LCC.EXE: cpp: No such file or directory"

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I've tried some of these solutions, and even though the path is simpler, nothing's changed. Are you sure it shouldn't be in a code directory, iceplode? ..\..\..\bin\ brings it back three directories, from game to code, to gamedata, so it can then go from gamedata to bin. Isn't that right? Game.bat is supposed to be executed from the game folder right?


Still looking for ideas.



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.... look again. Yes, game.bat is supposed to be run from the game subdirectory of your code and cgame.bat in cgame and ui.bat in ui. *However* in the batch files it does a "cd vm" So doing ..\..\..\bin looks for bin in your own TestMod directory and not in GameData


Originally posted by Blinkity

I've tried some of these solutions, and even though the path is simpler, nothing's changed. Are you sure it shouldn't be in a code directory, iceplode? ..\..\..\bin\ brings it back three directories, from game to code, to gamedata, so it can then go from gamedata to bin. Isn't that right? Game.bat is supposed to be executed from the game folder right?


Still looking for ideas.



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Alright, you were right about that Iceplode. Thanks. Unfortunately, I'm still getting the same error message, and I can't figure out why.


"C:\PROGRA~1\LUCASA~1\STARWA~2\TESTMOD\BIN\LCC.EXE: cpp: No such file or directory"


I don't get it. I know that the file directory is overly complicated, but that's certainly not the problem. Is this "LCC.exe: cpp:" thing normal? Do most people even get a mention of cpp when this command executes? Does anyone know what's going on? Sorry to keep bothering you guys like this.



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This was on Modcentrals news.. it may or may not help.


James Monroe, lead programmer on Jedi Outcast, updated his .plan yesterday (yes sorry, we're a day late) with some news on the source code and Win 98 (yuch, win 98 that is). Here's the deal;

Attention win95/98 users attempting to compile the VMs!


Win98 does not support the set command that my batch files use. You can fix it by doing a search and replace on the set command.


everywhere you see 'cc' you have to replace it with the text to the right of the = sign below:


set cc=......inlcc -A -DQ3_VM -DMISSIONPACK -S -Wf-target=bytecode -Wf-g -I....cgame -I....game -I....ui


cc ../g_main.c



......inlcc -A -DQ3_VM -DMISSIONPACK -S -Wf-target=bytecode -Wf-g -I....cgame -I....game -I....ui ../g_main.c



sorry for the troubles, but win98 sucks in this reguard.

There you have it. Thanks for the info, James.

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Hi. I finally got this stuff working. I appreciate the help a lot.


Eventually, I ended up altering the batch file to start from the bin directory as the home, and altered the other file references accordingly. For some reason, executing the compiler program from within its own directory ended up working. After some messing around with the pk3, I got it running, and have the slow-missile test working.


Thanks again,


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