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WIP: Nar Shaddaa Landing Platform


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Well, this is what I've been working on for about a week and a half now. All of the architecture is original, but is inspired by the single player Nar Shaddaa levels. There are still numerous bugs to work out and I'd like some feedback from all of you also.


The only bug that I'm not exactly sure how to fix is the problem with the texture on the Raven's Claw. Both engines and wing textures are visible, but the main fuselage and cockpit textures are just black. Anyone got any ideas on the problem/solution to this?


Thanks for your feedback.












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Originally posted by Lime-Light

Looks good, but do you need all that detail on the bottom of the landing pad? No one will see it anyway.


True, but what should I put on the bottom then? You do see it somewhat as your're falling off, but you're right that it's hard to notice.

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i noticed that you got to lines crossing each other on the platform under the ravens claw


what i would do is first make each line seperate coming from the center leaving a small square hole


in the hole i would stick four little triangle one at each end of the lines, the effect is that the edges where they meet form a little cross, then texture so it looks like one big cross


its only a little thing but little things give a map a sign of polish

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Still looking for help on the texture issues with the Raven's Claw. I think what is going on is that only the glow texture is working properly on the model, and not the standard texture. Anyone got any ideas?

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Looks more like a coruscant landing platform than a nar shaddaa one, and you need to sort out the Ravensclaw model so that it textures all of it not just the engines.


It does look very good though (the landing platform I mean)




Mal Brigand

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Yeah it does sort of look like a Corscaunt landing platform, now that you mention it. Hrmm, I suppose I could change it to that, but don't you think I would need to completely redesign the surrounding buildings since they look like Nar Shaddaa architecture?


I'm well aware of the problems with the Raven's Claw... I switched the ship to an X-wing, just to test that models are working. The X-wing showed up perfectly, so it seems to be an isolated problem with the Raven's Claw. I'll keep you updated.

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Well, after much consideration, I've decided to switch this to a Corsuscant landing platform. I've scrapped the surrounding buildings (acutally, I backed up a version w/ those), and have started creating a Courscant cityscape. Its nowhere near ready for screenshots, but I'll keep working on it and keep you posted.

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