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**the Official Lightsabre Thread**


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Hey guys, lets get this thread to 60 posts non-spam!


( dont flame me =-))


Raven, first of all i would like to say that i worship you guys for jk2 =-)


For every post there should be, even if they are short or empty, 3 topics......


What i think should be changed:


What i like alot:


Replys to other posts:




Ill go 1st



What i think should be changed:


ALL BLOCKS SHOULD BE BLOCKABLE!!!!! even the dreaded backslash etc !

the biggests part of lightsabres is that you can block and attack quickly


There should be a way to increase blocking..... keep everything the same, but have a certain button mapped to, if you press it at a certain time before the enemy sabre hits you, will block with a much greater chance.


Have maps etc download from server a-la UNREAL TOURNEY, cause it sux to go on browser during jedi time =-)


Have new types of sabres that are different and balanced but have different functions such as a dual sabre that dissables force powers while lit ( cause of two-handedness) but has a 50% better block rate and 10% increased attack speed....... also the possibility to dual-wield if you pull/find a sabre, you would get WAY faster speeds for block/attack but much less damage.



What i like alot:


Jedi Knight 2





Replys to other posts: None so far.




P.S. chicken tastes like purple.

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Dont feel too bad man a lot of posts dissapper into oblivion with out a reply;).


If you want to talk sabers go back a few pages and there are quite a bit of the. I just think that people have gotten tired of talking about the patch....i know im tired of hearing people gripe about it:D .


peace out and enjoy you stay at the forums

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Originally posted by Rogue_Ace

I see that you have met on of the many jack-asses on the forums:D


Yes, indeed welcome! ;)


Don't worry, people on a whole are quite friendly and I'm sure you'll enjoy your stay!


Here take these complimentary Chocolate Jedi Medallion personally passed from StormHammer and Agen's SPOON! replica! :D


Have fun on the boards and keep away from the trolls!

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If the blocking is to be increased, then you have to increase the damage to 1.02 or even higher, or people will start spamming one-hit kills even more. However, I think that backstabs/-sweeps should be blockable and shouldn't be a one-hit kill.

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If you want movie-like blocking and saber fights, get your local admin to turn this cvar on:


"set g_saberghoul2collision 1". You will thank me when you see this in action, I guarantee it.


Also, we need to make sure we can distinguish between these 'G2C' servers and normal servers.

Ask that your admin places "G2C" somewhere in his hostname. If he doesn't know how to do a hostname...:


"set sv_hostname Darth Luke's Duel FF Server (G2C)"

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