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Attention All 1.03 Server Admins!


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We really do need servers running those settings.


Hey but how about a rule?


Such as in MOH:AA you had to put CKR or CPR depending on the sever-side mod.


So how about 3 letters that signify the 3 settings:


1 - if one setting

2 - if two of em

3 - if all three


so like GSD


G = Ghoul 2:


seta g_saberghoul2collision 1


S = Saber 1.02:


seta g_sabertracesaberfirst 0


0 = 1.02

1 = 1.03 (default) - so no "S" if left default.


D = Dismemberment:


seta g_dismember 300


All you would have to do is have it so servers that run these settings have it in their name...




QuietSith's Darkside GSD


Or GS if I only wanted Ghoul 2 and Dismemberment.


Whatchya think?


More info on these commands from the following topic:



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