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Thought id let u know bout new stances in mp


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I figured out how to get Tavion's and Desanns saber style in mp

Some forcepower restricitions on some servers will disable it but there pretty cool


Tech note: Do not let the total force powers go above 20 points.


set forcepowers 7-2-033210232000021323


// # sequence as follows


// 7 = force rank

// -

// 1 = light force can also be 2 for dark

// -

// 0 = heal

// 3 = jump

// 3 = speed

// 2 = push

// 1 = pull

// 0 = mind trick

// 2 = grip

// 3 = lightning

// 2 = rage

// 0 = protect

// 0 = absorb

// 0 = teamheal

// 0 = teamforce

// 2 = drain

// 1 = see

// 3 = saberattack

// 2 = saberdefense

// 3 = saberthrow


This is an example of Desaanns bot file force powers


change saberattack to 4 to get Desanns and 5 to get both Tavion's and Desann's stances




set forcepowers 7-2-033210232000021423


set forcepowers 7-2-033210232000021523


Desanns is like heavy it seems as in it blocks both light and medium the same way.. It is a one handed stance. Its quicker than heavy but seems to be close to the same damage as the medium


there are no specail moves except for backslash as far as i can tell


Tavions is like light stance in that it is quick and u can spin by strafeing.. It is also a one handed stance. Seems about the same speed as light not sure about the damage. It has no special moves except for a backslash instead of a backstab.


here is my setup in my autoexec.cfg for easy access.


Note: after invokeing the new stance by the set forcepowers command it will not take effect until u respawn.


set fstn "set forcepowers 7-1-330033000030001432;echo ^44 ^3Stances;bind ins vstr rstn;forcechanged"

set rstn "set forcepowers 7-1-330033000030001332;echo ^4Normal ^3Stances;bind ins vstr fstn;forcechanged"


bind ins vstr fstn


Compliments of Blade-Runner

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I have a semi web page up that u can download it from...


Just right click on the link and save target as.


Make sure to put file type to all files instead of txt document


put it in the base folder and your good to go..


Just start the game


The insert key is used to alternate between 3 stances and 4 stances


Click here to go to the site

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By the way this is not a mod and u do not need a mod to enable it


It works on any server except for those that might have restrictions on forcepowers regarding the saberattack force but will work on most force restricted servers

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Wow...cool, thanks man. Remember, Im an idiot. Am I supposed to edit both lines in the cfg or just the first one?...and do I have to edit the other force powers in the cfg, or just the one for saberattack?

It appears I have 5 diff stances, but when I push insert it gives me options for normal stances, and 4. What gives? Oh, and one stance doesnt have a color, but its after red(strong) so I assume its the other strong. Thanks again.

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There's a simpler way - setforceall 5


This sets the effective level of all force powers to, well...5. This has no effect (to my knowledge) byond allowing access to those two extra saber styles, and that Mind Trick at level 4+ allows you to *completely* control an NPC.


No editing of cfg files, no messing about. Just one simple console command.


Oh, and it doesn't work in MP, since nobody in their right minds allows cheats to be active.

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set forcepowers 7-2-033210232000021323


// # sequence as follows


// 7 = force rank

// -

// 1 = light force can also be 2 for dark

// -

// 0 = heal

// 3 = jump

// 3 = speed

// 2 = push

// 1 = pull

// 0 = mind trick

// 2 = grip

// 3 = lightning

// 2 = rage

// 0 = protect

// 0 = absorb

// 0 = teamheal

// 0 = teamforce

// 2 = drain

// 1 = see

// 3 = saberattack

// 2 = saberdefense

// 3 = saberthrow


if you want 5 stances instead of 4 then change saberattack to 5 eg...


set forcepowers 7-2-033210232000021523


You will start off with Regular light stance, Desanns style shows up black and Tavions is the next after that and shows up blue like light stance.


For servers that wish not to let the other 2 stances be used add this to your server.cfg


set g_forcePowerDisable 32768


or add 32768 to your current forcePowerDisable value


This will lock down the selection of the stances in the players configure forcepowers screen and also lock the other 2 stances from being used, but you will be able to select the other 3 stances in the game.

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I've been playin on some servers to test the stances


It seems that the 2 stances are not built for netcode as they seem very jerky and look outright wierd when your swinging.


If you host a game where you have 0 ping the moves seem very fluid but add in the lag factor and it gets jerkier as your ping goes up.


As far as damage, Desanns seems to be actually weaker than medium so as for unfair advantage... Personally i don't think so, even though it seems to have the blocking ability of heavy stance.


Same for Tavions.. It seems either the same damage as light or less. Too close to tell


Couple that with no real special moves except for backslash and these stances are simply an unfair advantage to the person who is wielding it.


But... It does look kinda cool to run around swinging your saber with one hand.

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I really don't understand this? Where are you supposed to type this and when?

Its like saying "3" and expecting everyone to know that if you want force powers to full you type "setforceall 3".


We need an example not just the end product!!!!


(plus im dumb so that doesn't help either :D )

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Ok this is really buggin me .. cant get this to work for nuttin. I have the commands loaded in a xtrastances.cfg and i load it press insert the 4 stance msg kicks in.. I go jump off a ledge. Upon rejoining the player menu comes up like im joining a new game. Any suggestions.

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cobra go to the website gidcon gives above and follow the directions exactly. you will get a fourth stance. the only drawback is that is has certain forcepowers it sets along with it, if you change them, you lose the fourth stance. you would have to edit the file, but in the short term just go to the website given above.

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