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I heard a while ago that originally there was a feature in Jedi Outcast that they called the "Batsaber"... basically, instead of slicing through your opponent, it would fling them back as though they'd been hit by a baseball bat. Appearantly, this was taken out of the game because Raven (?) held a poll asking the fans if they wanted this... the fans voted no on the grounds that batting a person around isn't realistic for a lightsaber.


I'd just like to say that I was watching Return of the Jedi the other day, and these fans are completely wrong. Luke is knocking people all over the place in the battle above the Sarlacc pit :p

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Originally posted by Jedi_Monk

I heard a while ago that originally there was a feature in Jedi Outcast that they called the "Batsaber"... basically, instead of slicing through your opponent, it would fling them back as though they'd been hit by a baseball bat. Appearantly, this was taken out of the game because Raven (?) held a poll asking the fans if they wanted this

Nope - 'twas our very own digl :) (and, according to Raven, they were planning to remove it anyway - but they did say it was "cool" in a public chat...)


If you could see my sig, it would read:



AotC TC mapper.


ABSL forever! ;)


ABSL = Anti BatSaber League - digl and I were the co-founders... :D

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