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THe Palpitine/Emperor Case


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How about you go read the prolouge to the book for Star Wars, teh one written by George Lucas for Episode IV(ghost written by somebody else I belive). It desribes what's happening in the current movies right there.


And it's kind of obvious that Sidious and Palpatine are the same person when they are PLAYED BY THE SAME ACTOR. That is done for a REASON you know.

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If people think they are not the same person by now I think they should be executed for stupidity. George said Sidious appears as a hologram through Ep1 like he does in Ep5. Then Rick the producer said they are the same person and its not ment to be a big mistery. If you can't see it jst after watching freakin Ep2 either you gotta be stupid real stupid but ep 2 they give it away with the Sidious is in control of the senate thing.

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shows what you all know


Sidius is realy Qui-Gon, which explains why his body never 'became one with the force'


Having Maul kill him and Obi kill Maul in return was all a part of his master plan to uh... make Palpatine the next Sith.. ehr.. It makes sense when you stuff Oreo O's cereal up your nose and inhale

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