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Ah, the joys of saber combat


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Yes, that's right. I said joys.


I have spent an inordinate amount of time [playing this game, ever since it came out. I ignored the little problems with the first version because I enjoyed playing it. I ignored the little flaws in the second version because I enjoyed playing it. Recently, I was getting somewhat jaded with it. tired of entering a server and finding everyone using blue and running backwards, or just generally not having fun (due to not feeling enthusiastic).


The my girlfriend bought Morrowind. It's a fine game. A pretty game. It's fun to play, hopelessly addictive. At yet the combat lacks something. I kept wanting to run to one side and hammer a heavy blow into the back of my opponent as I ran past. I wanted to kick them in the face and cut them as they got up. I even wanted to be able to block their blows with my sword.


Could I? Could I hell. Go play Morrowind. It's a beautiful game, and well worth the money. Try the sword fighting system (it's typical fantasy CRPG - press mouse button, swing sword. Repeat). Then play JK2 and NEVER complain about the flaws in the saber combat again. Because no matter how bad you think it is, it's STILL BETTER THAN THE ALTERNATIVE!


Ah well. This rant was brought to you by someone who likes the saber combat, and wishes more companies would use that style for their games.

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Now if they would only do the next JK as a CRPG or a MORPG with the current or better sabre system and force powers......


I wouldn't complain ;)


In an odd way it seems kind of inevitable, but would probably take five years to complete.

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oh god no, dont make it a MMPORG, even more people will complain. I used to play Legend of Mir, soooo many many more people complained about it, far worse than JKII and so many people played it (and still do). The reason I left was because of all the complainers. Keep a system simple, less worries.

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Originally posted by Lord Sokar

Is uninstalling that crap patch and reinstalling the orginal game not an option?


We're putting up new 1.02 servers all the time. Drop that zero and get with the hero and join us.


hah. HAH!


I dont consider a loser who cant adjust a hero, more of a loser. Your choice though, but dont go posting lies.

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Eh, I don't really see what all the bitching is about with the new patch. I guess I just wasn't spoiled by it. I'd already installed the patch in my attempts to get this damn game running. So coming from a person with the perspective of being able to evaluate the current version of this game without comparing it to another, I'd have to say that 1.03 ain't too bad. I can play this game just great, and kick some ass with it. And I generally manage to avoid the assfighters, probably because of the server I visit. As for the heavywhoring, yeah red stance does a crapload of damage but it makes you go really slow. And a slothful opponnent is an easy target to hit. :D

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