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disruptor beam

JK Legacy

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how could I change the appearance of the beam of the disruptor primary fire? I've tried looking for it myself but i'm not very experienced with this, and have had no look :/


i'm just looking to change the colour of the beam, width of the beam, time it stays on screen etc.



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just change the color of the picture associated with the weapon


Not sure if that will work though, The disruptor just like the rail gun in Quake3, isnt a picture, but a code, (or mathemathic function or something) ( this is what i think it is. no sure) so i guess it is hardcoded.

no idea where though.


check out some of the railgun tutorials, they might give ya an idea.

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I think i've found the bit of code that draws the line, but I got little experience with C :(


syscall( CG_FX_ADDLINE, start, end, PASSFLOAT(size1), PASSFLOAT(size2), PASSFLOAT(sizeParm),
								PASSFLOAT(alpha1), PASSFLOAT(alpha2), PASSFLOAT(alphaParm),
								sRGB, eRGB, PASSFLOAT(rgbParm),
								killTime, shader, flags);


thats the thingy that it calls to draw the line, and the current values its passin to it is


trap_FX_AddLine( start, end, 0.1f, 6.0f, 0.0f, 
						1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f,
						WHITE, WHITE, 0.0f,
						150, trap_R_RegisterShader( "gfx/effects/redLine" ), 


i think its a combination of code and the redLine image, i'll have to play around with it, too complicated for me though :/

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it s the line_cap.efx file in the


in effects/dirsruptor


these efx files are loaded and contains the particularities of the affects...


the line_cap is :

// disruptor line cap

life	300

	start	6
	end	2
	flags linear

	start 1.0 0.3 0.1

	start 1.0
	end 0.0
	flags linear

rotation	-90 90


life 300

	start	1

	start 1.0
	end 0.0
	flags linear

rotation	-90 90



you need to change the rgb start ...



start 1.0 0.3 0.1



1.0 0.3 0.1 is red try to change it to that :


0.1 0.2 1.0

you should have blue now ....

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thx tchouky, but I found that the code I posted was actually the code for the beam. for some reason it takes the redline img and then lets u apply a tint or whatever it is to it, and the alpha stuff n things. I can't understand why they didnt just use a white img in the first place like they did for the code you pasted (whiteflare). i think thats just for either the muzzle flash when you fire the beam, as that wasnt changed when i modified the beam colour or it could be the mark thats left on the wall, i'll have to find out.


thx ppl

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