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Join The Dark Side of the Force


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I have created a team called the Empire's Soldiers. If you would like to join, read though this post. The team plays JKII, and competes in tournaments. The team consistes of 18 warriors. In order to join, you must have the following attributes:


-You must use a dark character (downloads acceptable)

-You must use the dark side of the Force.

-You must use a red/black/purple/yellow lightsaber in the game.


If you meet these requirments, e-mail me at DP2006@hotmail.com. Please leave you character's name, your e-mail address, and things that you are good at in the game (ie: trip mines, lightsaber, force)I will e-mail you back when our first practice arrives. I have created a practice arena for the Soldiers.

Hurry up and join! And may the force be with you!



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