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Double Sided/Double Light Sabers


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I'm not an expert on star wars but i thought it would be cool if they came out with a patch that added in double sided light sabers from Episode 1 (Darth Maul) and Double Light Sabers like in Episode 2 ( Anakin Fighting Dooku) i think that would be awesome and a whole new fighting stance for the double sided light sabers, gimmie your input on this just seeing if anyone else has the same idea in mind

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eh.. a double edged lightsaber is impossible, the "edge" of a sword is the cutting side of it. But a lightsaber cuts all around. So by all means it should be called a "double bladed lightsaber" concidering there's a "blade" on each end.

And nah.. I'm not all that for such mods, a "double bladed lightsaber" is extremely rare, only a couple of people have ever used it. ^.^ And as I've said it before, it would be silly to all of a sudden see dozen of people run around using one of those.

And same goes for the two sabers. Most Jedi and Dark Jedi alike choose for the usual one saber fighting style.

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A well choreographed re-enactment of Duel of the Fates in JKII could be alot of fun hehe, providing that the one with the double bladed saber is given a good enough control system so that he can fend of either jedi depending on which one is the biggest danger at the moment he is about to strike.

(hmm.. having just one double bladed saber in the game.. could be an idea lol, a 4 player mod out of which just one has the double bladed saber, the other three have to try and overpower him using their single saber. the one who kills him gets the double bladed one and the hunt re-begins lol)

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actually i have read somewhere that all Jedi's are trained a little in the use of double bladed lightsaber but most (almost all) prefers the old fashion way with only one lightsaber... through since JK1 i have always wanted to fight with 2 lightsabers at once ^-^

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Wicked imputs, yea i think it should be stronger using double, but then again harder to handle and slow like the red stance, i'm mostly multiplayer type person so when you guys are talking about jk2 single player i'm sort of clued out :p i'm pretty sure i'll get around to single player one day when my cable internet goes down hehehe

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