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Jedi Haseco Saber (Model)


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well, since gmax isn't letting me export as anything but a .gmax, i don't how far it can go, but I was planning on making this 2 emitting blades, and then a verison 2 where the two sabers above drawn inward and one emitting blade comes from the base hilt...can u help with that?

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to export as a .md3, which can then be converted to a .glm, u need the right plugins, available from the files section of my site here. then just click Export under the File menu.

as for 2 blades, as far as i know u can only have one, bcos the blade is controlled by tag_flash, and i think u can only have one of them. u could always make the sabers-being-drawn-in as part of the hilt and just emit the blade from where they meet...

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I think it's possible, you'll have to model the second saber blade (problem #1: when you put away your saber the other one will still stay) and to make it glow and stuff you'll have to use shaders (you'll also have to be good with them to make this work, problem #2: the second saber blade won't change color)


this will be a challange (you also have to code in all the damage tags on the other saber blade, problem #3: this will most likely not work).


good luck ;)

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