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Backstab abuse. Solution Found....

{XG} Snape

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Ya backstab is over used... Force Pull is over used.. The combo is over used.. Blah Blah Blah....


Whats the solution you may finding yourself asking?


Is Raven going to do something about it?


Don't hold your breath your just going to turn blue and passout.


Leave it to a gamer to find the solution for this problem....




Has found the solution I'm just passing the info that he came up with. A Mod was made by a gamer that make's the backstab slower. Also if you abuse force powers to much you arms drop to the side and you have to wait till you have enuff force power to do a saber throw to reactivate any attacks.


Here's the link for this fourms where to get the mod.




To download this mod here's the link...





I'm in charge of a Jedi Tourney held July 20th in Mason Michigan at {XG} Choas Lan.


Without this mod the Tourney would not of been held because of the one hit no Skill Backstab move's...


I would like to Personaly thank Normal for comming up with this mod bring back saber fighting as a skilled game not just a one hit wonder.



If more servers would run this mod the game play would be balanced...


So what if Little Jonny don't know how to use mods.... Not really intrested in Newbie's anyways.. They would just adopt the backstab pull move as there fighting style so who care's.


Think I would find myself more intrested in Jonny's older sister though...



Once again Thanks Normal for your hard work comming up with the solution for this backstab problem found on almost every server played.....




{XG} Snape

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I'm confused. The thread to which you link does talk about a Mod, but Normal's own discussion there mentions things like the exploding head, the kiss animation and adding NPC bots.


I don't see any mention of impact to saber combat in that thread. Are you linking to the right one?

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Mmmm, purhaps for now. I hate those combos more than anyone alive (well, at least AS much) but I don't know if this is a final solution.


The last thing we need is every server running different Mods, with practically every one having a different idea of how the game should be balanced.


I really hope Raven releases a patch... help us Raven :(

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Yep your right a gamming company should fix the problem not leaving it up to someone else to clean up the mess.


With all this testing and feedback you would think they would come out with a new patch.


What I have seen since the patch came out it's looks to me by what little replie's from Raven there's not going to be anothere patch.


So what to do what to do...


I'm thinking there to busy with Soilder of Furtune II and what ever othere game there making like maybe Galaxiie's or helping out with that one.. I don't know but I hope not.


A mod is the only solution for this at the moment.


Mostly I play this game offline because of all the New name for the backward attackers Butt Pirate's out there.


Any Newbie can walk backwards and press attack it's not hard.


Othere solution is playing on Non force servers. but then again the Butt Pirate's are there also...


All that really needs to be done is slow down the backstab a bit and make so you can't do a 360 with it.


Bring back the single tap jump and kick. So players can knock down the lightside absorb user's.


Just these little fix's would improve game play by a great deal.


Mainly I'm just giving Props to Normal for sharring this info with everyone. I was not going to even set up a server at this lan until I find this mod. I can't stand Butt Pirate's on the net just Thinking of sitting in the same room with them would make me go postal.


Oh it's the debug download for this mod.. Put everything in

C:\Program Files\LucasArts\Star Wars JK II Jedi Outcast\GameData



Then start the game click on SETUP and then Mods. Click on the mod and your ready to play after the game loads it.


Thanks again Normal


{XG} Snape

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This isnt a great solution but its a start, maybe if raven sees that we are resorting 2 our own methods then maybe they will release a patch.

But uv havent seen the half of it yet, i was on a server last night, and 2 wankers were using scripts for the backstab, so now theres absolutly no time 2 escape it as when ur in front of them fighting they instantly spin round and backstab

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If you're running a 1.03 server, use these to prevent the backstab problem and it'll make saber combat more intense:


g_saberghoul2collision 1


g_saberTracesaberfirst 0


Be sure to say running Ghoul2 or something like that in the server name.

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I've found the way to deal with the backstabbers is to just do the same thing back.. one thing peeps hate is to be killed by their own fav move.. once the spammer is back in line fight a decent fight with whoever's next.. granted you might have a bunch of backstabbers there but if that's the case go find another server.. I have a particular duel server I frequent and the players there for the most part like to have a good skilled duel with minimal 'special move' abuse.. when someone shows up that's abusive we get rid of em asap...

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This is what Raven came out with 4 days after the patch was released for there reply to the added blocking.


For those of you unhappy with the increased saber blocking in CTF and FFA modes in the 1.03 patch for Jedi Outcast, you can turn off the changes by setting the CVAR g_saberTraceSaberFirst to "0" in your server configs. Setting this to "1" = More Blocking, "0" = Less Blocking. It defaults to "1" in 1.03.



From Jediknight II

The new collision system introduces, as one forum patron said, “animation interruptions”, in essence, parries through attack executions. The command also allows the infamous backstab, to be blocked!


The Ghoul 2 command is further enhanced but turning another saber trace command off, to decrease certain blocks for more definitive saber battles. The commands function as per the following:




I didn't know about the Ghoul2 command but right after you posted that info here Jediknight II made a post on there page about it.. Great Job.... Thanks for sharing the info.


Try these commands they seem to work pretty well.


If we all stick togethere and try to find the solution to the bugs in the game a universal server set up might just come out of this so no mods will be used. Just server side game settings.


Please Keep adding settings that you may find that helps with what you may feel is a problem with the game.


{XG} Snape

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Until a mod is created that can report to the master server that such options are enabled - I strongly suggest we come up with a naming scheme for servers.


It's very simple... there pretty 3 variable involved in this.


Sabertrace .. 0 = S


Ghoul2 = G


Dismemberment = D


If a server has any of these features on just put in the server name SGD .. or S or D, etc .. depending on which features are turned on.


For instance if I use sabertrace 0 and ghoul2 my server's name would be:


Quietsith's Darkserver (SG)


I suggest parenthesis for the initials.


If we made this a common practice .. those of us who enjoy the new settings could quickly find servers with them enabled, and those who prefer the default 1.03 can simply not join servers with the initials.


How about that?

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Putting those setting on a server name is a good idea.


Does anyone know the commands for force powers.

Like setting how to bring them back to the 1.02 patch.


Or better yet being able to set each force power to the the admins desire's.


Also if anyone know's the command to bring back the single tap jump server side or client would you mind sharring this with us?



{XG} Snape


Thanks for the help finding the solution to a problem is better then whinning about it.. ( Ya I'm guilty of flamming the 1.03a patch also)


But all the the post and bad feedback have gotton no where so let's try to fix the problems ourself......

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no no no NO! MODS are NOT the answer. This is best left up to Raven to fix in the next patch, and there is going to be one. I have posted this information in a couple of other threads and I'll post it here too.


Not long ago when the master servers went down on JK2. I sent an email to Raven technical support to find out what the problem was. I also asked if there is going to be another patch. I got a reply from a Raven Administrator named Kenn. He told me the problem with the master servers and also stated that Raven is going to release another patch.


So lets all just deal with the noobs who back slash/stab untill then. I'm assuming this patch is coming real soon or the Admin who replied to my email may not have mentioned it at all.


The new patch aside. Mods are definitely not the answer to fix things. Mods are used by select people and not everyone is going to use the same mod. I can't stand mods for this reason. The only way a mod is good is if the mp side of the pc game requires the installation of it to even use the mp servers and the mod is made by the official source, which is rare.

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Do you really think there going to change anything in the game when the Game has been in the top five for weeks in sale's.



Was it jut a coincidence that the Nerf patch making it easier for newbie players came out right after the release of Attack of the clone's came out?


I don't think so.


Knowing kid's, and well young kids at heart would be so Jazzed about being able to be a jedi with saber combat.


It's my belief that Raven did some testing with the old patch and well thanks to all the whinners out there 1.03a is what we ended up with....... By Testing I mean making the game easier for people that well are not really gamers. With P.C's that are not up to competion levels nerfing it so people that get only 25 fps don't get fragged so quickly.


Also Good VS Evil aspect of the movie.. Powers where well balanced now light is way better then the dark.


Yes in the old patch drain would drain your powers but it also drained the darksiders also. With this abosrb that well, never runs out because of catching push's and pulls all over the map.


Nothing counters it hardly at all.


Good guys win theme of the movie...


So do you really think they didn't do any marketing homework before releasing 1.03a. Sale's talks and Bankruptcy walks.


Plus the next contract that Raven may pick up from keeping this game in the top best sellers list for weeks..


Think about it.


Now with this little bit of insite on marketing stategy does anyone think a new patch is comming out soon?



{XG} Snape


Remember your parernts will say we'll see all the time but we all know the ansewer is to that responce.

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Why would Raven rip off it's customers by not releasing a patch and

fixing such a very serious problem, these sickening backstab and

backspin moves?


The game is selling well, so that's grounds for treating us

like garbage?


I don't think Raven would do that to us. I think they'll support the

game they made and the fans who bought it trusting in the

quality of the product and support they would receive.


We're not asking for miracles here, just make the backstab and

backspin moves much harder to use and much more dangerous

for the user to try.


One part of the solution to these "backwards" moves

would be to make saber on hits on players' backs more deadly.

If you get hit cleanly on the back you take massive damage (as

would really happen in a duel), that would greatly discourage

turning your back on an opponent, because it would get you killed

very quickly.

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Why would Raven rip off it's customers by not releasing a patch and

fixing such a very serious problem, these sickening backstab and

backspin moves?






Sale's are still in the top 5 this week.


Any signs of a new Patch yet?




{Xg} Snape

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