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imperial shuttle


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Can someone help me out here, I am making my map and I intend on having the imperial shuttle in the map. Incase you don't know which model I am talking about, I am talking about the shuttle in the duel map imperial_shuttle_bay. I've looked and looked but I cannot find the model anywhere. Is there some trick to this or what? Can someone tell me how I can get it to add into my map?

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Sorry, I've since found the model I am after, it was under a different name to imp_shuttle. However now I have come across another 2 problems. These being:


1: The Shuttle is facing the wrong way, how can I make the shuttle turn 90 degrees?


2: The Shuttle is not solid. You can walk straight through it. Looking at it, it appears to be solid but it's like you have noclip on and you can go straight through it. Anyone know how to make it solid?

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I have some good news for you. I know how to make them solid. Create a brush that surrounds the model, and apply the clip texture to it. It will be solid.


I have no idea how to rotate the model. I have been wondering that myself.


You will come across another problem. I have not he answer, but I know the question. How do you make the model able to take blaster fire and saber slashes? What I mean is how the walls can take the fire, and it sparks, and the saber. It will make glowing scars in the wall.


This is a question I have, and too would like an answer for. I remember reading a thread on how to do it, but I cant seem to find it anymore. Anyone got a clue? :)

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instead fo making your own clip brush the same size, shape and dimensions as an imperial shuttle use the prefab one that came with the 2nd JK2editing tools


if u dont have the 2nd set of tools copy the clip brush in the kejim post map that came with the 1st JK2radiant editing pack


to make an entity face differnent directions press n to bring up the entity menu and select an angle from angle selection thingo down the bottom



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To rotate a model; select it, press 'n' and there you can rotate it by 45 degree intervalls with the buttons in the lower left corner inthe entities inspector.


You cannot make a model getting marks from blaster fire or lightsabres. Sorry. You can make your own clip shader though without the nomarks and noimpact surfaceparms, but it would be rather tricky to get the exact form of the clip brush right to match the model.


// Grudge


EDIT: patchx: doh! you beat me to it :D

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Well you answered my questions, but I can swear I saw some thread on some forum discussing how to make the take blaster fire and saber slashes. But maybe it was about Q3A, and not Jkii. Not sure. O well.


patchx: Now you tell me :). I went through and made a clip brush cut totally to all of the dimensions of the shuttle. ( Slapping self ) It took 17 brushes. :) Not sure about the prefab version, but I know I can crawl under mine. Unlike the one in Duel_bay . :D



Almost done with My Imperial_repairbay map :D:D :D

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well to get the model to take blaster fire and saber slashes, you

just apply the physics_clip texture from the system subgroup on

your clip brushes instead of the regular Clip texture.


This will make it solid and it will emit sparks when hit.

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THANKS GUYS!! you all have been a great help. I've finally got the model solid now (i used a prefab of the shuttle). The only thing I cannot get to work is the clip texture like yous said. How do I change the normal clip texture to the physics_clip texture?

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Uhh. :) You really need to read a few tutorials. :p


Click on the Textures menu and select System. Click on the "clip" shader in the group of pictures that appears in the texture list. Make sure "Show Shaders" is checked before you do this. Make a brush by deselecting everything (press ESC a few times) and left-click-dragging a box in the 2D window.


You will now have a clip brush.



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Just to let some of you know (and I don't blame you for asking these questions), you might want to go through and read the sticky posted by Hubris at the top of the forums. It answers a huge freaking amount of questions. I know it saved my but a couple dozen times. Also, make sure that you read all the way to the bottom, because there are a lot of replies there to what Hubris has posted.l

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I've tried and tried to get the physics_clip to work but it says that it cannot find it and once its done with the replacement, all my walls and everything but the entities are gone.


Whats wrong?



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