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how have you changed your SP game?


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hey all, I've been having a great time changing my single player game around and was just wondering what other people have done.

At the moment with mine I have the new tyrion model for kyle, with a thined green saber using the taunt "the force is my ally". I've changed all the gran, weequay and rodians to the oh so cool jango and boba fett models and the dengar model. My shadow trooper is now darth maul, reborn have all been changed to some of the cool reborn skins about. Desann I've changed to Vader, left tavion as is for now. The jedi trainer I've changed to qui-gon, jedi to obi-wan and morgan to anakin so I can npc spawn them with me anytime throughout the game, also made sure they have the right color saber. Changed the prisoners to rebels to get more of a fealing of being at war with the empire still. Swamp troopers are now clone troopers, left the stormtroopers as is. I'm waiting on the wookie model to replace jan :) i also want to change all of her script to wookie talk :) so it fits in which should be easy enough to do.


Also made the lightsaber faster and stronger for some stances and changed some of the other weapons like bow caster, added weapon glow stuff like that.


how have you changed the game?

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russk, just read through these forums to find out how to change models, that's all I did, it has been posted about 50 times and I think is now posted at the top of the editing forum.

or you could use winzip to extract the jango fett mod you downloaded and see how they packed that. instead of naming the folder "kyle" name it "rodian" and instead of jango being kyle it will replace the rodian character in the game.

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I use the enyak mutilate mod for dismemberment in SP


Vader is now in place of Desann


the vader saber is installed instead of Kyle's saber


I use a modified skin for Kyle


I use the MercJan skin for Jan


oh and I use a yellow lightsabre for Kyle instead of blue


the purple one

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I've made some changes as well to my SP game, to make it fit more in line with my own view of the expanded star wars universe.


- I changed Kyle to my own Qui-Zan Buuzza jedi skin.


- Set my SP force powers similar to my MP setup, and give him the lightsaber right away.


- I change Jan to either my own Jihara skin, or my AD-88 droid skin (I'd like to change the sounds for the droid, but it isn't worth the effort).


- Changed Desann to my own Sith Lord, Darth Primus.


- changed the jedi trainer and jedi knight skins to two different Jedi skins I downloaded.


- bound keys to spawn jan, jedi trainer, and jedi knight, so Qui-Zan can have his droid and jedi posse to fight with him.


- bound key to spawn reborn so I can have lightsaber fights more often.


All the things you can do in SP really allows you to set the game up the way you want :)

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Originally posted by peloquin

.... I'm waiting on the wookie model to replace jan :) i also want to change all of her script to wookie talk :) so it fits in which should be easy enough to do.....



this should make for an interesting make-out scene in the swamp.



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lol have any of you DL'ed that imperials to rebels mod?


it changes everyonea round so say Kyle would be Desann and Jan would be Tavion, stormtroopers would be rebels and viceaversa.

I wanna see what Desann and Tavion look like making out :D he'd proabaly eat her face off:eek:

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