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Invisible Fire?!


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Anyone else having problems after defeating Admiral Fyyar? Once he's dead, and it all goes zero g, I'm unable to see what I assume is fire that I'm supposed to avoid. Makes it kinda hard to escape from the Doomgiver.


This co-incides with me patching the game with the EAX enhancements midway through that level.


Also, I've noticed extremely bad load times around the doomgiver levels. (sometimes upward of 2-3minutes)


My system:

Althon 1800XP

512mb DDR Ram

Radeon 8500 64mb.

Soundblaster Audigy


Any clues?!



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Are you using pre-patch savegames ? They don't seem to be fully compatible with the 1.03 version. A lot of people have trouble like texture flickering, model textures messed up or being replaced by grey color and explosions and laserbeams not being displayed. In my case restarting the level fixed it.

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