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WIP: Boushh/Leia

oddjob: A-Team

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I think I have it figured out. At leas in part. I looked at the glm in the glm viewer with tags on. And all but the left leg and arm's tags were upsidedown. This makse some sense. Because when I first tested the model all but the left leg and arm(mirror copies of the right leg and arm) had normals inside out in game only. All looked fine in Max, but once exported, the model viewer had the normals flipped. So I flipped them so they would look right in game. All but the left leg and arm. So I think that that is where my problem lies. If I can fix the normal problem, I think I will be ok.


But it may be a while before it comes out as I haven't done any of the LOD yet because I wanted to nail down the exporting first. And DAMN preparing a model for export is a crapload of work. Boring work at that. :p On top of that, I am going on vacation for two weeks soon, most of which I will be out of town. If I can get this problem nailed down, I might get it released before I leave.


One quesion, can you just add a new taunt to a model and still use, say, Jan's sounds? If so, how?

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as far as i know it is no problem to use jan's sounds and a new taunt for leia. every model has a sound.cfg file, which holds the location of the wav files used by that model. you could just use jan's sound.cfg for your leia and change the path of her taunt to whatever you like.

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I saw you got the saber fixed, very nice.


Anyways for sounds just get an animsounds.cfg from one of the other models.


Then create a sound folder in your base folder.


Then a chars folder in the sound folder.


Then a "name of your model" folder in your chars folder.


Then a misc folder inside you "model name" folder.


Then put your sounds in there. Ripp apart Reborn to see what you need, but you don't need all of those. The MP ones are most important. Any sounds you don't put in will be replace by default ones.

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Well, it's 4am and I am about to hop on a plane to Florida for vacation, so I figured I would release a beta version of what I got. There is only 1 LOD, so be warned. Also, the sounds for Boushh(modified Jan sounds and a Princess Leia quote) are STILL not working so perhaps one of you industrious poeple here on the board could remedy that situation and let me know how you did it?


Anyway, this is for all those board regulars. Like I said, this is a beta release, so that's why I am not submitting it to polycount or JKII.net. I will finish the other two LOD's when I get back and do a full release then. Enjoy in the mean time:



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One small complaint, really small, the pony tail on leia, its like too dark and it looks like she has a butch cut, so, maybe you can lighten it so it shows strands there? Or like lighten it so you know its a model, hehe.. then it'd be perfect ^_^.

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Excellent Job!

Thanks for the preview!

The likeness is great.

Nice choice for the taunts.

LOL The taunt for the model with the helmet on might be better being just Boushh talk, but it is quite funny the way you have it. Actually it's not just "funny" it's really cool the way you did it.


The suggestion about lightening the pony tail is actually a good idea. Nothing drastic, maybe just a touch of a vague highlight. I didn't think much of it myself while playing, but after reading that suggestion, I do remeber the pony tail being a bit dark.


Thanks again




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oddjob, all i gotta say is WOW! great models.


i noticed two things that are throwing me off, and i do realize it's a beta release, but i want to inform you of what i'm thinking.


first of all, there seems to be some kind of interference (?) with leia's/boushh's backpack and shoulderstrap. it looks like they overlap, and it doens't quite look right.


secondly, boushh's taunt ... i don't get it. why didn't you use the "yatay" one that's said in RotJ? we've never been able to understand what boushh says, so why should the taunt be something about a laserbrain (i think)?


don't take any offense at what i've said, oddjob. your model is fabulous ... i just wanted you to know the things i think can be improved upon.



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Back from vacation!


Well, I used that sound because it's an actual clip from ESB and I just made it more like the boushh-ish sounds that were in RoTJ when she is talking to Han in English. I thought about using the Boushh clip but it doesn't really say anything and doesn't particularly sound threatening or taunting. That's all. I will probably have this model done and released by the end of next week. Probably.

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