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This might be a stupid questions but...


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I am a JK2 newbie, i havent even finished the single player version(no patience). I cannot seem to be able to figure out how to use the force powers in multi-player. I can do the normal 3 (push, pull, speed) but cannot absorb, grip, etc...


I spent about an hour last night trying to figure out why i could not. I even tried resetting to factory settings. Anyways, if any of you guys happen to have any ideas on this, i would much appreciate it.

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make sure you have gone through the right settings.


throw up a server, max out hte force powers available.


Then go in game, and access the player menu.

click on the force powers button.

add and subtract the skills.


that screen is where you set up all your powers.


hope that helped!



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Lemme guess: you didn't create your own server to practice with bots first.

(no patience)

Rather than that you went online and jumped into a server with real people. Now guess what: This server had custom settings and had certain force powers disabled.


Lots of servers are set up that way. It's mostly called "Low Force". The neutral powers are activated, the dark side/light side powers are not.


By the way: Some servers are "Saber only" so don't worry if you can't find any guns on the map :D



step 1: finish single player

step 2: practice Multiplayer with bots

step 3: play online



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