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Model reserved only for server admins?


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Is there a way to reserve a model so that only people that are Admins on the server can use them?


Like, have a model on the server that nobody else can see, and/or requires a password to use?


I realize the players would need the model to be able to see it, unless we use one of the defaults, but we have all the skins we use on our server loaded on our website for download (jk2.lowgrav.org).


Please let me know if anyone knows how to either password protect a skin, or any other ways that a admin can reserve a skin just for admins.


(Hopefully this makes sense..otherwise, move along heh)

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Rock, just make yourself a skin with your name scrawled all over it =)


Worked for me... had a skin made for me by a friend (DAMN good, too), so we named it ViperEye.pk3. put a few symbols on it that pretty much shouted ViperEye without having the text written down, and now I use it on the [LiCk] server with noone else daring to touch it =)

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