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More duels?


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Is it possible to set some variable / command to make more duels at the same time on a server ? I mean those duels when you press 'k' , if not would anybody release a MOD to make it possible? If not ;) how can i disable weapons in gametype : duel on a Sabre Only server ?

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Not sure about your last question but I definately agree. They should let there be as many duels on a server as there are pairs of players. I'm a duelist to the extreme and I would love to see such a mod. I generally don't bother with all that bowing crap unless the other guy turns off his saber to do it first (my first action in a duel is to sidestep the hell out of the way because generally you get a lightsaber chucked at you as soon as it starts). But nevertheless, the duels are what I live for. I'd join the duel servers but I'm rather impatient. At least in the FFA I can occupy myself with a group bitch fest while another duel is going on. But yeah, multiple duels would be awesome.

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This great idea has been discussed before, as I remember the answer is no. There is no simple command or parameter to increase the number of duel. To do this involves rewriting the engine, so a mod is needed. I don't know whether someone is working this. :confused:

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*bump* That's what I'm asking heh. Makes me wish I knew a bit about editing this game myself, I'd tackle it if I could. Having such a mod would eliminate the need to have that sabers down rule, which would be one less thing to argue about amongst the players.

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  • 3 weeks later...

my friend told me that he recently has been playing on a server with more then one duel in the same time but i don't believe him... damn it... can't anybody make a mod to support multiple duels in FFA??? :(

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