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Server only MOD, no more backstabbs!


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NO! otherwise i would never mention this mod. of what use is a cheater server? it does not even require autodownload on clientside. thats what a server only mod is for...

btw a new version is out!

check it out, we have every damage value as a cvar and can change it while playing thru rcon and stuff. the url is the same.

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Its wierd, some people could join others couldnt. On the server screen it would say couldnt download test0r.pk3 download disabled. So I deleted the test0r.pk3 from my home machine (not the server) and It allowed me to join. So maybe something else is wrong with the people trying to join? I enabled auto downloading though just in case.

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If the clients have download enabled and the server has a .pk3 file they don't have, they will try to download it. If the server does not have downloads enabled, they will disconnect.


If they turn off download on the client side, they can connect and play.

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After playing this for about 2 hours, I like it much better. Red Stance is actually useful. If you are patient with it you can beat the other 2 stances every time, just wait for openings then strike. Backstab is still there, but no more dying when you dodge the initial strike and try to get a return hit in. Its funny because I was wailing on light stancers for 2 or 3 maps until some of them figured out that light lunges, backstab, and that air jump attack only got them killed :) Now a lot of the players are using the yellow and red stances, making for some interesting, battles. Saber locking seems to be more frequent too and a couple saberlock wins can be deadly.

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saberlocking is adjustable by the admin. its not in the mod, but mabe raven changed the default value for it...?

btw i have a new version out which has all damage values editable by cvars. so its simple to change and test while playing, all thru rcon or server console...

the best part is the kick damage! hehe

and if u get your server hosted by a slow updating hoster, then its a pain in the ass if u made a little mistake on damage settings. but now its just a cvar that can be changed, or set up in a config file...


i also removed the "only one private duel at once" rule in ffa games...check it out!

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right at this moment i found the lines where the force powers are listed which are allowed in a private duel. the saber throw was commented out and i removed the /. so it should work. as soon as we manage to enable just selected cheats i'll let u know...

it would be cool to have some secret animations, and the double saber is one of those cheat protected things.

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