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The fighting will be turn based I believe. I'm not sure how that works for ranged weapons but for weapons like vibro-axes, gaffi sticks and lightsabers it goes like this:


Basically you just click on the move you want to do, each taking it in turns to whoop each other. The moves available to you will depend on your skill with that particular weapon.


As for blasters and other ranged weapons...... can anybody else help him out?

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RPG games like this dont work on skill my friend, not like Jedi Outcast, Quake etc.


But trust me, although you yourself won't be doing a huge deal of work, the animations and moves themselves will look very good. Much more realistic and true to the SW universe than those of JO I would imagine.


This game is not really about skill, not in the sense of the word. Its about role-playing, dedication, intelligence.


And knowin a good deal :) naturally.

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Hmm, I patrially agree but it would be hard to incorparate the other things the devs. had in mind. If it was like that you would pretty much be able to go to anybody and blow their brains our.


But if you do want something like that then go play Outcast itself :)

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Originally posted by Galin Masek

Hmm, I patrially agree but it would be hard to incorparate the other things the devs. had in mind. If it was like that you would pretty much be able to go to anybody and blow their brains our.


But if you do want something like that then go play Outcast itself :)


I am planning on getting Outcast, and play it alot until SWG comes out. As the mass killings go, there would still be restictions, and penalties for killing someone w/o reason. So, it would be alot better for wars, and team efforts. It would be like the Clone Wars SW game coming out, but alot more and alot bigger. That would truly be my idea of an ideal game.

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uhm people.. this wil be a RPG.. rpg stands for

Role Playing Game.... so not Shooting game..


you are required to interact with people.. not blow them away :D


and you will be able to interact with people..a nd shoot them... but only in certain area's... a lot of area's are claimed save spots.


-mister e-

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SWG with twitch gameplay, like Quake? Damn, that would suck! :p



(mainly because I suck at twitch games!)



Oh, and MMORPGs being "turnbased" is not as bad as it sounds, really. It's not like you are playing chess: you can still move around, choose targets, and such. The main difference is that it is the skills of you character, not how good you are at aiming with a mouse, that decides whether you hit or not. MMORPG fights can be very exiting too, and your skill as a player plays a BIG part. It's just that those playing skills are based on whats between your ears, instead on your hands speed and accuracy!



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uhm people.. this wil be a RPG.. rpg stands for

Role Playing Game.... so not Shooting game..


The guy is right, thats not what the devs. want this game to be like. But I do understand your point Andrew.


I guess we cannot really say what we would 'prefer' until we know what we are given. The details are meant to be sketchy I guess, lets players think whatever they want :)


I would like to know whether say, two players could gang up on one target. MMORPG wise I have only played RuneScape... so I'm kinda inexprerienced.

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i believe you can team up...but i think there are two reasons for making the system the way it is.


first: as setsuko said, they wanted the game to have a cinematic feel to it. they want the battles to look the way they do in the movies so that, oh say, you got into a lightsaber battle, it would pretty much be the coolest thing youve ever seen.


second: they specifically said they dont want to give an advantage to twitch game players. setsuko touched on this but not the real point. in most twitch games like quake, its not even necessarily a players skill that makes him good. he may be able to best someone twice as good as he is simply because he has a better ping. galaxies combat system is meant to remove the unfair advantage caused by players ping and make the battle better measure a players skill and strategy.

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As much as the combat in JKII (Jedi Outcast) is visually pleasing, I dont think this twitch style of combat would do well in an MMORPG, unless its implemented PERFICLY.


This is pure speculation, but I have a feeling its going to be nowhere near as nice to watch as JK2 just due to the fact that its not a fast pace action game. This is without even mentioning the fact that according to the developers there wont be many jedi in the game, thus very few people who use lightsabers, let alone 2 of them dueling.


The graphics and textures may be nicer and more realistic, but I have a feeling that the motions in combat wont be as fun. This game is being developed by Verant, and though the technology is much lesser in EQ, I have a feeling that they will skimp on unique combat animations like they have done in everquest. For those who dont play everquest, there is 1 swing animation for each weapon and thats it.


Most likely they will add in 2 or 3 animations per weapon. Though I hope and pray itll be different then EQ, and more visually appealing, I seriously doubt youll ever see the fast paced episode 1-3 saber combat in SWG like you do in JKII.


As far as controlls are conserned, they will most likely be very simple, and easy to figure out. Turn on auto attack, pick what manuver you want to do, and it does it for you. More of a stratagy thinking game then a stratagy do'ing game.


All in all, I hope they think of a way to have the fast paced saber combat that episode 1 and 2 have introduced into the starwars universe. However due to a turn based combat system and the fact that its a non twitch, non quake-like engine, it would be very difficult to maintain the feel that JKII gives you when using a saber. I think saber combat in SWG is going to look more like the fights from episode 4. Not many spins, not much acrobatics, just standing there swinging the saber.


I would like to see an MMORPG eventually go out on a limb and add in a twitch based combat system. This game wont have it, and I dont think any main streem gameing company has the balls to do something like that in an MMORPG. I think it would be interesting, but the potential for abuse is amazing and I dont think any company out there currently could pull it off right.





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Okay i think i got the point, but........


If i choose to be a Jedi and the "fall" and turn to the dark side!!


Would i then be able to just slice a Jedi in the back to get more anger???


Or should i "challenge" him/her to a duel and then see who will win???


Sorry if my english is a little bit........ You know!!!


"At last we will have revenge"

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Neocron (a futuristic MMORPG developed by Reakktor) will have twitch-based action, i.e., the fights will be more like quake, and your chars stats only affect how easy it is to aim, instead of deciding whether you hit or not.


But that will be a niché MMORPG, aimed at twitch players. SWG however, will want to exploit its appeal to 'non-hardcore gamers' to the max, and will therefore be more mainstream in how it is played. I heard one of the devs say in an interview that his aims with the game was that his grandfather would be able to play it, mostly point and click etc.


The MMORPG scene is growing mindnumbingly fast, and most new games will have to have a unique clientele. So expect more twitch-games, but I don't think there will be many of them. RPG is a very conservative genre.

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Originally posted by Mister E

uhm people.. this wil be a RPG.. rpg stands for

Role Playing Game.... so not Shooting game..


you are required to interact with people.. not blow them away :D


and you will be able to interact with people..a nd shoot them... but only in certain area's... a lot of area's are claimed save spots.


-mister e-


Yes, strike up a casual coversation, blow them away and then tell them to have a nice day.

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I believe you cannot fight a person unless he/she agrees to it as well.


Probably depending on what combat zone you are in though.


I disagree whole-heartedly that the animations will look bad, I think they have spent so much time developing this game, planning everything, making it all feel as realstic as possible, they cannot afford NOT to make the combat good.


(Don't make me a lier Mr. Lucas :p)


And lets face it, Jedi Outcast is not that good. There are SO many cheap moves. All they have to do is pull you to the ground than use the god damn back spin move. The new patch sux.


In SWG that is not a possibility.

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