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Some questions for SWG...


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Here is some questions... hope some of you guys have the answer! :)



Can people study other race’s culture? And make that a way of learning skill or getting XP?



How many things will I be able of smuggling? People, weapons and armour, droids, information?



Will there be chance of holding a party in our house? And will the cantina have some special events-evenings or something like that?



Will I be able of writing a book and then copy it so I can sell the book to people? Or is it possible to make a diary?



Can a non-jedi carry a lightsaber, and maybe use it?



Will you be able of selling informations to people, or is it only in the RP-spirit? ;)



That will be all for now.. thanks!


:) Emilarsen

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Can people study other race’s culture? And make that a way of learning skill or getting XP?


answer: sure you can study them and all.. and i think you are able to take notes and all.. but i dont think it will set into a certains skill



How many things will I be able of smuggling? People, weapons and armour, droids, information?


Answer: No one knows.. this is a good question for a Dev chat.. post it in the developer forums... there is a thread there for Dev questions



Will there be chance of holding a party in our house? And will the cantina have some special events-evenings or something like that?


Answer:Yep.. you can invite non NPC's for a party with music.. there are even several dances you canm do :D I dont know about cantina's tho.



Will I be able of writing a book and then copy it so I can sell the book to people? Or is it possible to make a diary?


Answer: i think you will be able to write things down.. thsi is also a good questions for the devs.. post it also in the developer forum



Can a non-jedi carry a lightsaber, and maybe use it?


Answer: Yes.... non jedi can BUY a lightsaber and carry it and even use it... but a non jedi will never ever be able to use it like a jedi can.



Will you be able of selling informations to people, or is it only in the RP-spirit? ;)


Answer:well if people are willing to pay for it... sure...



I hope this answers some questions :D


c ya

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On studying cultures, well, you won't be able to talk to wookies until you have learnt their languages! Thats all I know this far, but I think there will be more cultural skills (twilek tentacle speach has been mentioned by the devs)

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