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Get my skins here (since jkii.net and others are hit and miss)


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Since jediknightii.net is having its file problems, and other sites don't seem to be all that reliable either, I've posted my skins on my own site. I've noticed it also take quite a while for these sites to post submitted skins. I have gotten several requests for my skins already, so I figured I would just host them myself and direct people there.


I have four skins right now. Qui-Zan Buuzza is a jedi with dark robes (there is both a singleplayer and multiplayer version). Darth Primus is a Sith Lord based on the Reborn skin (MP only). The droid AD-88 is based on the shadowtrooper skin (MP only). Jihara is based in the Jan skin and is dressed in dark blue (MP only). You can get these files and screenshots at:


Warped Productions


Just scroll down a little ways. I didn't know if others would be interested or not, but I figured I just post them and people can do what they like. Have a good one.

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