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Its OFFICIAL, >NO< Patch - E-mail enclosed


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Originally posted by GreenGriffon

For the life of me I cannot believe how much you people (you know who you are) whine. I am so sick to death of filtering through 50 posts a day saying, "Boo-hoo, my uber-DFA attack doesn't get me instant kills anymore" or "This sucks...change it" or "Why are no more patches being worked on??" before I actually read something constructive.


I'm inclined to agree with you that those of us who actually discuss, intelligently, why we dislike the patch and what we'd like to see changed are small in number.


If there are no plans for another patch, LIVE WITH IT! For chrissakes move on with your lives already!

Well said.


PLEASE stop posting these ridiculous threads attempting to verify Raven's "future plans". If Raven in fact had any future plans that they want you to know about, I'm sure they'd tell you.

Either that, or, if they really want to stop hearing people question the legitimacy of the e-mails they are pasting, they could do an ALT+Print Screen, paste it in an image program, save it as a jpg or bmp and upload it. That should end any debate.


I moved on from this a long time ago and my solution was quite easy. After putting up with the frustration of the new gameplay and ranting a while, I: a) reinstalled unreal tournament and b) preordered unreal tournament 2003. Problem solved, life moves on, and UT will come in handy after stressful days of 'higher learning' in the quest for law school... wheeee!


I'm sad it came down to that, really. After ranting a bit, I did give 1.03 a chance. I play it competitively and just for fun and I did learn it all of the new changes.. Regardless, after a while, it got to the point where it was just a complete bore. Run around, watch people doing the same moves, spinning like tops or running around backwards hunched over like they have a lightsaber enema. Though, I will say this: 1.03 did provide one of the funnier moments I had with JK2 - In a FF FFA on NS_Streets, I kept pushing and grab-throwing (as best as possible) all the assfighters to their death... they yelled at ME for spamming and then tried to vote me out of the game. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. ;) That was entertaining.

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Originally posted by GreenGriffonFor the life of me I cannot believe how much you people (you know who you are) whine...If Raven in fact had any future plans that they want you to know about, I'm sure they'd tell you.


I wanted to know their plans so I e-mailed and asked them. No whining, no wondering.


*Gasp* imagine that, and they answered my question satisfying my curiosity.


Griffon, lay off the caffeine.


Originally posted by Perniciosus

UT will come in handy after stressful days of 'higher learning' in the quest for law school... wheeee!


Best of luck in your studies! :D

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Originally posted by fitzwilliamd

Best of luck in your studies! :D


Thanks. Next semester's going to be fun - note the sarcasm. Business Law II - lotsa discussion on Intellectual Property law. Though, I can't say much - when I do get to law school, I'll have a full semester of JUST IP and copyright law!


And just so there's no misunderstanding, I completely believe what both you and Inviction have posted. I said it before, and I'll say it again: I don't see why anyone would lie about something like this - it's not like those of us who dislike the patch need any reason other than the patch to be angered. :D


But, since people seem to LOVE conspiracies and accusing people of pulling things out of their arses, if they're not willing to believe a text copy and paste, perhaps a screen capture would make them eat crow.

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