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When do you get the Lightsabre


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Im a newbie be kind. Brought JK yesterday had a bad day kept crashing because im running it on Voodoo 3. Got rid of them now working nice. Now it might not be Jedi like but when do I get a lightsabre? Used the Cheats to have a bit of fun with it. Another thing when you near the end are all your powers on full? To make more powers do you use them more? Big SW fans, oh so big.




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Originally posted by Robbiesan

When you go to Yavin to see Luke you do some training to receive basic force powers.. as well you get your light sabre.. I must admit that getting the sabre was a bugger.. enjoy


Wow, way to give it away. Ass.


You get it on the 4th level. You get to actually use it on the 6th.

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