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HELP!! I can't get passed that big tank on level...

Guest hain23x

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Guest hain23x



the level where you go down levels letting gas out the tanks.


I got the wrench, but when I try to use the wrench on the door and the button thinggy it just says "this is a wrench" I tried the activate button too! I think I have the tanks as low as i can get them. Am I missing something???


I tried to follow the various walkthroughs but I'm not getting the results!


don't you just lower the tank level by level starting with the first lever when you first come in from the roof?


Heeeeellllp!!! :D

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Yeah, #9 had me stumpped forever. Here is the trick. When you come through that door where you need the yellow key to get through, and see the Trandoshan waiting by the fuel switch, ignore the switch on that floor. The only switch you have to flip, is on the floor directly under the top one. That will lower the fuel to a level where you can cross the bridge inside the fuel tank. Once that switch is flipped, just find the wrench, go to the lowest floor and the door with the ugnaugt beside it. Simply open the door, close it behind you, and open the door across the bridge in the fuel pipe


Another tip, whenever you go through a door that leads to a room full of fuel, close the door behind you. If you don't, you won't be able to open the next door.


Another tip, At a point in that level, you will come to a very large perfectly round room with blaster proof walls and no powerups, you will see a closed hatch in the center of the room on the floor. I sat on that thing for probably an hour, first trying to activate it, then using the rail gun, then thermals, then all of my sequencers, but that thing will not open unless you simply pull out your lightsaber and slash it. however, that room is fun to play in by bouncing laser blast around it.


So, anyway, hope that helps, and good luck.


If you have anymore questions about Jedi Knight, just ask me. I know all the secret areas and cheat codes if you need them.


BTW welcome to the boards. :D


[ July 02, 2001: Message edited by: JediKnight_114 ]

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Guest hain23x

hey thanks for the advice and the welcome!


I just got the game last week... i wasn't a fan of shooters but I liked Half Life and then I read a review of this game and I've been playing non stop since tuesday.


very cool game.. I got MOTS today and it's action packed! that first level is kicking me where the blasters don't shine! :D

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

Hey, JK is the coolest game ever. At least until JKII comes out :D

Oh, and MotS just gets tougher and creepier as it goes along so fear not. From level 12-14 you get no weapons other than the lightsaber and force powers, so when you play as Mara, choose your powers wisely. Put force stars on saber throw and Destruction, since on the levels with only saber those two powers will have to serve as your ranged weapons. Let me warn you about an enemy in those final levels: Vornskyrs. Bad ass dog like creatures. that attack your health only while leaving your shields intact. The problem is that when they bite you, you can't swing your lightsaber since your health is being attacked. So, my strategy, let the Vornskyrs see you, fire a destruction blast, or throw your saber, and make sure you hit it directly. Then run away as fast as you can out of sight or whatever. Or force jump to higher ground if possible. Then, run back to it, and you can finish it with one secondary fire swing from your saber. you will still get damaged, but not as bad as just having a slugging match with it.


Just remember, Vornskyrs can sense force users, they too can jump, so if you jump to safety, make sure its really high up, and you can't attack them as they bite you.


i know the walkthroughs, secret areas, and cheats for MotS as well, so if you need help, just ask me. ;)

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Guest JediKnight_114[b]

What are you kidding me? Everyone here is like: well, I haven't played in so long, I used to know the secrets and all, but now I forgot.


There is nothing wrong with me offering help.

What Jedi Knight lacks in AI challenge, it makes up for in tricky puzzles, so if someone needs help, I will gladly help. Even though JK is an old game, people are still trying it for the first time, so sooner or later, someone will still need help with it, and this site is called Jediknight.net, so at least one of us should still know about the game. And MotS :D so, better late then never huh :p

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