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online taunts, what do you say to ridicule the enemy


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Comon, what are you funny and custom taunts (that possibly you have binded to keys). Preferably funny ones I'd like to here not the usual "you shall become one with the darkside".

Mine are:


"You fight like a woman, and probably twice as cheap"

"Today is a good day to DFA, meet my PMS" (which leaves many people asking, whats the PMS move, LOL)

For assfighters "Hell, I can see the ticket on your underwear"

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heh... my fav one is sniping w/seeing on in ctf... right after they get to the flag, drop the trigger, and yell "DIE!!!!1!11!!!1":D works best on ctf_yavin:D




the other good one is, kick them over and over, and have "stop kicking your self" binded... heh, just thought that up now... will have to try it next time...:D maybe bind it to my jump key with a toggle script:D



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Originally posted by Elegy

Still coming up with one for my kills, but if someone kills me in an amusing way I have binded "In the words of a brilliant tactician: "F u c k!" "




btw wich tactician said that? cant put my finger on it:D



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