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Saber Stances


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Hey will one of you tell me how to wat saber stance is best red yellow or blue???? I know I hate red its so slow and can be counter attacked to easy i just dont know wats better between yellow and blue plz help me IM GOING CRAZY!!!!!!:atat:


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This is my opinion.


The stance you use should be dictated by the range and dificulty of your opponent.


You should try to use all the stances in a round to mix up your attacks so your opponent doesn't know how to approach you.


You can control the length of the match by how fast you inflict damage per swing on your opponent. If you control the tempo you have the an edge in the game.


I stick to the blue stance and hold down the attack button while swinging alternating diagnol slashes while running forward. I lunge to break his defense and I backstab if he gets behind me. (not my ass in his face)


I have learned that mixing my style with yellow at medium range decreases the round time becuase my swings are more damaging.


If your skilled with red you don't need many swings to finish the job but I have learned to easily counter the red stance with blue stance.


Try each stance untill your familiar enough with how they swing. Then pick a stance and learn how to fight with it so your not just swinging wildly. The do the same for the other stances. You need to learn them all.


Personally I like the feel of the blue stance. You need to hit your opponent more often to win, but it has many abilities that I believe give it an edge.


10 Examples of its abilities:


1. The blue lunge can stike an opponent behind your head as he jumps orver you.


2. The blue lunge has blocking abilities against the other special attacks including backstab. It will still hurt but its less likely to be a one hit kill.


3. The blue lunge when combined with the forward and backflip is a deadly arial attack in close quaters.


4. The blue lunge can blow away defenses so you can move in with diagnol swings.


5. I've heard the blue stance has more defensive ability, but I'm not sure I can tell a diference.


6. Alternating left and right diagnol swings while holding down the attack button and running forward can get through defensive blocking.


7. The backstab is able to spin.


8. The backstab seems to feel more responsive.


9. The backstab when combined with a forward lunge is deadly all the way through the lunge animation (possible bug)


10. Its faster.


Blue is like the 3rd gear of stances, you can use it most of the time, but not all of the time. Hope this helps, Gadget.


Please post examples of why you like the other stances please using the format above.

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5. Actually, blue is the weakest in defense, at least against sabers, because other stances can penetrate blue stance blocks.


I'd say blue lunge is good for tight spaces, but on open, I'd pick red any day.

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5. I've heard the blue stance has more defensive ability, but I'm not sure I can tell a diference.

Telcar 5. Actually, blue is the weakest in defense, at least against sabers, because other stances can penetrate blue stance blocks.


I'm sorry. What I meant to say was against blaster bolts. Telcar is right as far as sabers.

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Well i agree with Pedantic, learning all the styles is the best way, because you can't just stick with one stance and defeat all your opponents, many times it depends on what stance your opponents are in and you counter them with a different stance, ie. Red counter with Blue, Red is slow while blue is fast, easier to hit red while you've got the speed, so learning all stances woudl help with your skills and plus increase your strategies :duel:

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Originally posted by Pedantic

You have to learn all of the styles, not just stick with one all of the time. If you do, your only limiting yourself.


Agreed. There is a certain saber stance that you have to use in different situations. Using only the one stance is only putting yourself at disadvantage.


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Originally posted by DannyJAllTheWay


Agreed. There is a certain saber stance that you have to use in different situations. Using only the one stance is only putting yourself at disadvantage.


I agree 100%, and I use almost every move there is frequently, I don't use red all the time.

I replied only "Red", because I didn't have much time, and he asked wich was the best stance.

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Originally posted by digl

I agree 100%, and I use almost every move there is frequently, I don't use red all the time.

I replied only "Red", because I didn't have much time, and he asked wich was the best stance.


I agree too, erm, because everyone else does.

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