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Hate to seem like a dope, but this is driving me nuts, Jediknight 2


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This is my second post guys, please don't think me stupid, I'm just stuck. I'm stuck in the middle of the array. Can't figure out how to move the codes. Can one of you guys tell me. I know what the code has to look like, but can't figure out how to move it. Problem is, I didn't get a book with this game, game was on sale, bought it for 10 bucks. If Kyle tells me one more time, its offline, I'm going to slit his throat.


Thanks again,



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I have no idea which codes you are talking about! There is two areas that need codes...


First is in the beginning of the game. You need the "Blue, green and the Red" code...


The second is the shield codes.... The code are listed in your invantory. To use these codes you have to get to the pod that has the proper code (according to the color) and then select it. Then you have to jump to next color, and do it again...


Just hit the "M" key and you'll find the codes. But you have to get that code on the screen in front of you to activate it, and then get back to the top...


~Nomad WR~


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I found out you have to go to the room before the array and go to the large hanger where the cubes are. Go the the corner and turn on elavator switch.


Go down and in the dark, find the small openings on the left and follow it to a small square opening. You will see a small 4-wheeled robot go by. Go through this opening and go right to another square opening and crouch using "c" and attack all guards.


Go to the console and throw the two color switches with "e" to complete the three color array. Go to the left and you will see one of the codes needed.


Go thru large doorway and turn off force field. Go upstairs and go back to array.


After passing center of array, go to left doorway and shoot out two attack guns. go thru green lit door and attack guards. Go right into small control room and turn off switch.


Go back down hallway and go left through door at bottom of stairway. Go past reactors to control panal and turn on control. You will be talking to Jan for assistance. Jan will need your help so go back to array center. Attack guards there and back to hanger to rescue Jan.


Bring Jan back to where you communicated with here before and have her turn on switch to open door outside of the room you are in.


Go back to upper level room and attack guards there. Go to back of room and you will see another code for the array there.


Go back to array and go staight ahead to another room where attack guns are and shoot them out. Look for other switches to turn on but dont go into far room because of gas leaks. Go back to array in center.


Go back to array and put the three codes in the machine by using "E" key. The three monitors for each code have to be set up correctly. You should keep trying different combinations on the three monitors till you get it.


After all three codes are in, swing around to the three switches and turn them on and you will get a plank that allows you to go into a forth room. Other rooms to follow...

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