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No in-game music


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Alright so i installed the game and I went to singleplayer --> standard game. I set up all game options and whatnot and then started the game, I played for awhile but the whole time I thought that there was something major that was missing. Then it dawned on me, THE MUSIC!! It wont play! I tried everything from tinkering with the volume level to checking to make sure that the little wire is connected from my CD drive to my soundcard. I don't get it, can anyone help me with this problem? here are my sys specs incase it helps:


P4 1.8ghz

512 DDR ram

Soundblaster Audigy Gamer

Geforce2 GTS w/32 megs of ram


Please help :)

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According to LucasArts.com if you have more than one CD-ROM drive, you should be able to install the Clone Campaigns Expansion Pack using any CD-ROM drive on your system. However to play the game, you will need to place the game disc in the lowest letter CD-ROM drive on your system.

If you continue to receive this error, completely uninstall the Clone Campaigns Expansion and the original Galactic Battlegrounds game, and then reinstall both using the lowest letter CD-ROM drive on your system.


Try the above first.


I followed those steps from LucasArts.com and it still did not play the music. So, I had to go a step further. Again, I unistalled the Clones Campaigns Expansion and the original Galactic Battlegrounds. Then I went to START then SETTINGS then CONTRAL PANEL then SYSTEM then DEVICE MANAGER then CD-ROM then, one at a time I double clicked on each of my CD-ROMS and then clicked on the SETTINGS tab. You will then see two lines. One says "Start drive letter" and the other says "End drive letter." (For me, one is a Teac CDRW the other is a Toshiba DVD-CDROM. I made the DVD-CDROM the lowest letter "D" by putting a "D" in both "Start drive..." and "End drive..." lines and pressed OK. Then I made the CDRW the higher letter "E" by putting an "E" in the "Start drive..." and "End drive..." lines and pressed OK)


Then, I installed both the SWGB and the SWCC in the LOWEST LETTER CD-ROM. Make sure everytime you play the game you put the CD in that SAME CD-ROM.


Afterwards, when I played the game I heard the music just fine.


I hope this helps. Please let me know.

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