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Kyle turned invisible

Cold Shadow

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I have a problem, I can't see Kyle in the singleplayer,

i can see his weapon, byt not his body, and i'm not in 1. person view, I also tryed to switch betwen 1. and 3. person view, but Kyle is still invisible, i just don't understand what happend.


Help me please!

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well maybe look in the JK2 game-setup screen, there's a lot about skins and models there, see if you switched something off....


not much of a solution but give it a try... (I guess you did this a thousand times..

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After I installed the patch, I started getting all kinds of funky graphical behavior involving shadows. In addition, the textures on Jan Ors are all screwed up. She is mostly black and brown now, and completely unrecognizable.


Don't know if this is related to the problem you're having or not, but I just wanted to add my .02

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I had a similar problem with Jan . Most of the textures were replaced by grey color and the few remaining textures (mainly arms and face) were somehow brownish . Stormtroopers were also affected ( blue-metalic armor ) but strangely only a few of them. I think it's some sort of incompatibility between the pre-patch savegames and the 1.03 game version. I mailed Lucasarts support and jkiiarena two weeks ago, no response yet. The only thing that fixed it was restarting the game from the beginning.

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