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Darth Maul MP Model Ready for DL


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Here is a Darth Maul model that I have finished. well for the most part. there will be updates


get it here till it get on the JK2.net files section when fixed




Description :

Model Name: "DarthMaul.pk3"

Author Mesh & Skins: Brad "RunsWithSissors" Barnette with help and direction from Michael "sithlordII" Frost

Email: artofwar427@hotmail.com

Sounds: sound config is barrowed from shadow trooper since Darth Maul never really had and speaking lines in the film

Concept: The coolest of all Sith Lords.



Other Information :

This was a unfinished Q3 model that I made a long time ago but never finished so when I got JK2 and it was the same engine I figured I could import it right in... WRONG. After some help and pointer from Sithlord II I was able to get it in the game. The model is PRETTY LOW POLY so I did not do LODs. this is my first finished Q3/JK2 model. will add some features later but thought I would go ahead and release since I have been having so much fun using it. Most all of the skins are from photos. Very little of it was hand painted the face texture alone was complied and blended from 6 seperate images.



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Well, as he stated, this model was originally inteded for Q3...


It's a big difference in the polycount between the two games.

The translation is very nice. The spikes look right to me, and his deformations is great!


The only things I noticed was the face looks a bit like plastic, though the back of the heads highlights are sweet, and there's some stretching on the front part of his lower skirt.


As I said in the other tread Zero, Great Model!!!

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Very cool model zero. It sure beats the pants off of all those crappy shirtless Maul's that use the reborn model :)

Very good work dude, I hope to see you make some new models soon :) .




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With all these jk2 models i think they are all good but i think all their arms looks very weird. they are always too far away from the body and are sorta ridgid. oh btw i think your model is all good (inluding the face!) except the arms. thanks!


p.s:why werent the mandalors arms weird?

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