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Ok, just finished single player, but im new to multi....


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Whats the scene like :confused:


Any rules people follow :confused:


Anyone give me some pointers :confused:



I've sat for 3 or so hours constantly spawning reborns to try and develop some sort of tactics to no avail, I just seem to get lucky with kills.


Is this normal or have people actually developed attack styles.



Force speed, Force push, heavy swing is the closest I get to a plan lol


I'll be eternally gratefull for any help ;)






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I don't know if anyone can teach you all that much. You have to get on a server and practice there and learn yourself. You have to develop your own tactics and stategies. Don't let anyone give you any pointers. They may tell you what THEY do, which may be different to what you want to do. There are various tactics/strategies. It would be best for you to learn them on your own. I mean it's ok if people tell you how to do certain moves, but that's about it. You gotta formulate your own methods of gameplay. The spawning reborns thing may have been all in vain cuz mp style of fighting is different. I would suggest creating your own mp server and playing against bots for right now until you think that you're good enough to play against other people.



BTW, Welcome to the forums.

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Cheers Danny, I have spent most of today on the MP servers having alot of fun, however as soon as someone starts pulling actual moves on me I fall to the floor quite quickly.


Maybe some pointers on defense would be best to ask about :confused:


I like my attack style, it's very eratic and fun for others to watch, I have been called "mad" quite alot :D






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A few "rules" to make playing IMHO more fun:



1) saber down = peace

2) typing / afk = peace

3) bowing = peace

4) don't spam, don't whore --> be versatile

5) do not assfight

6) have fun and let others have fun too

7) go easy on newbies

8) respect duels

9) bow when bowed at

10) do not deliberately manouver to get the backstab off

11) fight 'till the end one-on-one, do not run for powerups

12) do not use bactas when dueling

13) die like a man, not a whiner

14) give credit, when someone deserves it


But each server has it's own set of rules. And rarely *everyone* on the server follows even the basic rules like "not killing someone who is typing".


Most of you do disagree on one or more things I listed, but as I said: IMHO. To each their own.


Pointers on defence: Stay out of the way. :D

In force servers use absorb. Never go behing someone, or you will be stabbed to death. Blocking works best if you're standing still, facing your opponent.


That's it for now.

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People in general like to make up their own rules. Keep in mind that even with all the people on these forums, it still only represents a small cross-section of the JK2 gaming population (the "community").


The only real "rule" that's hard and fast is that the person running the server (the "host" or "admin") makes the rules. Respect that.


If you want to learn how to play the game in MP, first read over the manual and readme.


Then I suggest heading over to http://strategy.jediknightii.net (probably a good idea to bookmark this site) ; )


If you join a strange server and wonder what the rules are, just ask the host/admin, if they are a worthwhile host, they should explain them to you if you ask politely. Personally I prefer servers without a lot of rules, but that's just me. Sometimes it can be more fun though... depends on my mood. A lot of people complain on the forums about this or that, but I know in practice a lot of people DO just "play the game" and have fun. Look for those people and add 'em to your favorites list, my advice. = )


Whining isn't really right or wrong, I just see it as a total waste of time, both to do it and to listen to it. I feel that People ought to just get that stuff out of the way before the game, but I can see it having a place if somebody was actually cheating or something, but it's the host who has the reponsibility to do something (or nothing) about it. I figure a decent host would take more kindly to constructive criticism than flames and people cussing at him/her. After all, nobody forced them to join his particular game!


People can always be polite and find another server that's less laggy or more to their liking with the settings or "house rules."

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