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Making models solid


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I almost have everything down in radiant--only a few more things I hafta figure out before I can finish my first duel map.


I am currently learning everything there is to know about models--and there are two things I can figure out.





No matter what I do I cant make those things solid--come'on a tree is not very tree like when you can walk right through it!

Im pretty sure there is a value I can enter to make it solid--but I dont know it. Can one of you genius's enlighten me?


2nd thing I don't know about models. How come a good 50-60% of the Raven models are missing textures and shaders? How do I fix this so my trees have leafs, my ships have metal, and my statues have bird guano on them? Having a stump with red boxes saying "missing shader" doesn't add to the serenity of things.


If you guys could help me out--I would be extremely grateful.

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#1 - Add a brush around everywhere near the model you don't want to be able to walk through and texture it with system/physics_clip if you want to be able to shoot it (and it spark) or system/clip if you want the shot to be absorbed.


Both clips will not allow you to walk through the object.


#2 - I have no idea. Should work. :D

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I was doing something like that--I was using the nodraw texture though.


So you are saying that all the models work for you? Cause if they work for you then its possible that I can fix my problem.



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Nonono, you see, the textures for some of the models dont even show up IN THE EDITOR. When I was using JKRadiant NONE of the textures would show up-- 70% of 'em show up now that I am using GTKRadiant--in my humble opinion a MUCH better tool.



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