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I always thought Pull + Backstab was lame...


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And I still do, just not in the same way :D


Now that I've learned how to not only avoid it, but to do damage to the opponent when they try it, the tactic still seems lame...but not from a "cheap" standpoint, but from a "bad move" standpoint ;)


Got pulled?


Get up and kick 'em!


(edit: What's the point of this post? The point is, don't complain if you think something is cheap! Find a way to defeat it! If a jedi as inept as me can do it, you can too! :p )

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Originally posted by NyghtWalker

Too bad that ONLY works if the person performing the pull/backstab isnt very good at it. The people that are have already killed you before jk2 will even consider letting you get up no matter how frantically you hit jump/attack.


This is very true.... There is no known defense or counter move to the pull + back slash move. Myself as well as others who have perfected the moves for when lamers insist on trying it on us, can pull this move off before you can even stand up to do any move of any kind. Its THAT fast my friend, no way out of it once your in it ;)

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Yes, once you are in it you are going to take a good deal of damage, however, you are not trapped in the attack in such way that you can't get away from the saber (yes you will take damage but possibly not a fatal amount). Use protect to help even more. The most important thing is that you get away from the saber before (in a medium or strong backslash) the high point of the end of the swing, at that time, much like the right tip of the saber during the medium stance finisher is when the attack will do an insane amount of damage. If you survive the backslash, use that time to pull down your opponent and quickly dispatch him while he is still in the "i just pwnt him!" mindset.

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