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Help in changing the Code... (blue-lunge fix?)


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Well I'm running a Server with the 1.03a SDK 'Patch' and the ghoul2 settings.

Thats nice so far, but there are jsut *some* things that still bother me and I wondered if there might ba anyone who is willing to help me out, cause I couldn't code in C or anything to save my grandma :p.


So, what I would like to have are some simple changes to the already well done changes from the 1.03a source.


1. Saber Throw: only do 20 Damage (before: 30), cost much more of you force pool (2.5 to 3 times as much - yes. about HALF [or a tad bit more] the force power). So it would not be possible to do the throw twice in a row, even if your force pool was full.


2. Flipkick: do only about 9 damage (before: 18) (or even less than 9? mmmh not sure on that)


3. Fix the blue stance lunge exploit, where you can execute this move while 'ducking' in mid air. (This *has* been done by someony, but I jsut could not find it again :/)


These are the changes I would love to be able to incorporate into my server... is there anyone, who might do this for me?

Of course I'll be here tomorrow if there are any questions :)



I'd really like to have this changes. And I don't want to offend anyone. I'm simply not capable of writing the code myself at this time :/. And I think they might really add to the saber gameplay.

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ok, i found where to change the kicking, and i already knew the thrown saber damage, but i am still looking around for the force usage. if you would like, i could set up commands so that you can edit the amount of damage while the server is running. would you like me to post what to change, or should i send you the source (or compiled source) when i am completed?


and also, what ghoul2 settings are there that are changed?

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Hey thanks thats great :)


I tried the blue lunge in mid-air yesterday and it wasn't fixed for me with the 1.03a :-/. And somewhere i actually saw some Mod where this one had been fixed (as a custom change to the 1.03a Source), but I can't remember who did this or where i saw it.. searched for it all night. So if that *could* be fixed it would be great, but if not, well doesn't matter to much I' would just kick ppl abusing it too much *g*


I'm not really sure now if I would want them changeable or hardcoded.. hmm. Might be nice to change them on the fly and see what *really* balances the game out, but once these values are found, I'd rather like it hardoded and not-changeable... ummm... well hardcoding them might be less work, right? So maybe that would be the most simple way to do it :)


If possible I'd like to have the compiled files. And the changes that have to be made in which file. I know it will take me some time go figure out *how* to edit and compile them right so some compiled files would be nice to isntall the server-mod and *then* sit down and learn the most simple coding techniques *g*


Now if you make this all possible you'll be my hero :) Maybe I could publish the 1.03a with these changes as onother one of those 'unofficial' patches... I mean it might *really* fix some issues (at least *I* think so)


thx :)

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/me again ;)


So I have been playing on the server for some time now ... and some things came to my mind.


First. Yes saber throw taking up a bit more than half of the force pool would be good. The damage should be 15. So it would be something more *tactical* rather than everyones favourite 'attack'.

I really think throwing away your saber should habe it's drawbacks.

Much more like in RUNE, where you actually *lost* your saber until you walk up to it. (No, i think its ok, a jedi pulls it back ;))


Second, the kick. I don't know, but *is* it possible to have different damage schemes for different situations. E.g. NO damage if you hit the body of your moving opponent, 5 damge for standing/ducking opponents, and 9 damage for hitting someones head? And possibly 9 damage as well if hitting someone on the body when you jsut came up from the ground? (e.g. when you have been knocked down and *then* kick up)

Just wondering...


Oh and then, another thing that has not been fixed within the 1.03a: turning during backstabs/backsweeps. If anyone knows how to do this (have seen this before, think it was the same mod as with the lunge)... would be great.


Anyawy thanks to everyone who is willing to help!

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Originally posted by JediGhost[sITH]

Not only is it good in battles (semi-good), but its also used to stop falls, and for gliding!


Disabling the lunge is disabling gliding!

To avoid any confusion: I don't want to disabble the blue lunge completely. Jsut the possibility to do it in mid-air, which, as you seem to know does allow for some really nasty exploits.

What you call 'gliding' and 'stop falling' are actually Bugs. I know some don't consider this a bug or an exploit, but thats not my topic. I'm just searching for a sollution to remove it....

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i cant believe that u didnt see the difference bewtween the normal 1.03 and the new source code 1.03a. its impossible to do it in mid-air. if u try, u get some crappy roll on the ground anim which looks fu.cked up. and gliding is a cant do either. check up how much damage the backstabbs do. if they still kill, u didnt set up the mod properly.

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i only know how to do the damage related stuff for now. i dont have any idea how to implement positional damage for the kicking, nor do i have any idea with altering moves such as the turning while backstabbing. i havent yet found where it decides how much force to use for saber throwing either. if anyone knows how to do these, please say so.


i cant look around much more right now, but when i return from work, i will try.


also: with the altering of damage while in game: i have already made a simple mod that allows you to change the speed, damage, and splash damage of most weapons while in game. it also allows the change of damage for sabering and lightning. if anyone wants to try this out for me, please give me your email address.

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I believe most of those changes can be done in bg_pmove.c.. The amount of points each force power uses, if you can move while performing a move, etc. Specifically, the force power stuff is near the very beginning of the file, easy to spot.


(I was going to rant about how light lunges were intended to be possible in the air, and about turning while backstabbing, etc., but that's not what this topic is about.. ;) )


I think perhaps you didn't build all of the files - make sure you build the VMs for both Game and CGame, though I myself always build UI as well. In 1.03a, you can't lunge in the air or turn while backstabbing..

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oook, i got some things worng. So turning during backstabs and the mid-air lunge *are* fixed in the 1.03a.

Sorry for all the confusion ;)


And thanks for not starting an argument here *if* these should have been considered bugs.


I'll just test some things and then come back and post again :)

I'm feeling a bit strange, asking for all this stuff though :/

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i couldnt find where to find the kicking damage for a while, but i am rather sure i have figured it out. it is in g_active.c on line 1591. thats where the kicking area starts the damage is figured from the velocity at which the kicker is moving (i believe), and the variable which stores the amount of damage is called strength.


i have just finished implementing the ability to alter kick damage (hopefully it will work properly), and i will do a quick test run to confirm that it worked. then i will send you a copy nitemare. the script that came with it (created by almighty kerjo), does not have the kicking added to the script, but it can still be easily altered in the console. keep in mind that this hasnt been fully tested, so it is still remotely beta.


darklord: after i look into the force stuff, which shouldnt take too long, i will fix you up a mod as you requested. i plan on making it just the pk3 so you can use it right away, and i will also include a text document showing where the changes were made.

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i have the amount of force needed for throwing a saber at 60 (most force power possible is 100), so its over half. is that ok?

-thanks for the help on that, Avalon

i have saber thrown damage at 15.

i have the amount of damage a kick does divided in half.


was there anything else?


if not, i will need your email address to send the pk3 file. or if you want to change it yourself, here are the lines that were altered (also for anyone elses benefit):


changes to the code:



in line 1608 I changed

G_Damage( faceKicked, ent, ent, oppDir, client->ps.origin, strength, DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR, MOD_MELEE );


G_Damage( faceKicked, ent, ent, oppDir, client->ps.origin, strength/2, DAMAGE_NO_ARMOR, MOD_MELEE );




in line 2177 I changed






in lines 84, 105, and 126 I changed



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yeah this is all good!

but i would rather know how to make vairables for those saber damage values.


w_saber.c starting in line 1562



	if (self->client->ps.fd.saberAnimLevel == 3)
		//new damage-ramping system
		if (!saberInSpecial && !inBackAttack)
			dmg = G_GetAttackDamage(self, 70, 120, 0.5f); //nite: this is red stance
		else if (saberInSpecial &&
				 (self->client->ps.saberMove == LS_A_JUMP_T__B_))
			dmg = G_GetAttackDamage(self, 40, 180, 0.65f);			}
		else if (inBackAttack)
			dmg = G_GetAttackDamage(self, 10, 36, 0.5f); 			}
			dmg = 100;
	else if (self->client->ps.fd.saberAnimLevel == 2)
		if (saberInSpecial &&
			(self->client->ps.saberMove == LS_A_FLIP_STAB || self->client->ps.saberMove == LS_A_FLIP_SLASH))
		{ 				dmg = G_GetAttackDamage(self, 30, 80, 0.5f);			}
		else if (inBackAttack)
			dmg = G_GetAttackDamage(self, 45, 75, 0.5f); //nite: yellow stance
			dmg = 60;
	else if (self->client->ps.fd.saberAnimLevel == 1)
		if (saberInSpecial &&
			(self->client->ps.saberMove == LS_A_LUNGE))
			dmg = G_GetAttackDamage(self, 2, SABER_HITDAMAGE-5, 0.3f);
		else if (inBackAttack)
			dmg = G_GetAttackDamage(self, 5, 30, 0.5f); //nite: blue stance


i put my comments on the values that i want to be a cvar. it's hard to get the optimal values and a great hinderance if the game hoster is slow with updates...

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Originally posted by cowwithoutbrain

i have the amount of force needed for throwing a saber at 60 (most force power possible is 100), so its over half. is that ok?

-thanks for the help on that, Avalon

i have saber thrown damage at 15.

i have the amount of damage a kick does divided in half.


was there anything else?

Well, there we have it.. you *are* my hero :)

The saber throw stuff sounds great :) And i *think* kick doing half the damage should be enough .. .we will see :)


Thanks for the code! I'd like to have it as a pak as well, yes that would be nice:




And is the code with these changes still a server-side 'mod' (-> would my clients need to download it?) If not, well ok I'll get over it *g*




(I'm thinking about making the flip kick do *no* damge at all, so executing it would be for the tactical benefit of kicking someone back/possiblie knocking them down) But i guess that will have to wait until I am able to comlie code myself :)

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i have decided to make cvars for all of the different saber attacks, but i am not sure on something in here:



	if (self->client->ps.fd.saberAnimLevel == 3)
		//new damage-ramping system
		if (!saberInSpecial && !inBackAttack)
			dmg = G_GetAttackDamage(self, 70, 120, 0.5f); //nite: this is red stance
		else if (saberInSpecial &&
				 (self->client->ps.saberMove == LS_A_JUMP_T__B_))
			dmg = G_GetAttackDamage(self, 40, 180, 0.65f);			}
		else if (inBackAttack)
			dmg = G_GetAttackDamage(self, 10, 36, 0.5f); 			}
			dmg = 100;

when will it actually use the last dmg value? the first says that when its not in a special or doing an in behind attack, it will use 120, but then when will it use the last one, the 100? or was it just left in there and never taken out?

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the old values are some kind of a hint, so we know what the stances are. thats why the didn't remove them i guess.

i'm allready running a server with those changes as seen above. the new damage ramping system is wuit simple but makes the game much more dynamical. when u strike with the red stance u get something like a curve, a hill/ramp, which has its lowest point at 70 and the highest at 120, then its descends back to 70 again. so u get the full amount of damage in the middle of the animation, not at any time like before the patch. but a jedi with a saber gets only half the damage and i whitnessed that too. the minimum with red stance was 35 (a guy with 100/25 gets hit and has 90hp left). the maximum however can be full damage if its a full vertical strike. the first reactions were annying because of that russian roulette system like some noobs like to call it. and that the damage would be to high ect. but now they all got used to it pretty well...

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