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I need a Darth Maul Saber!


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Originally posted by Zippo85

Ive made a maul dual hilt but i get the "over 1000 vertex" error.


How do i fix this


also i need a skinner:atat:


you have too may vertex's and too many polys. you need to reduce your poly count to under 1000 vertex. I would suggest shooting for 300-600 polys for saber models. Even that is high.


See the last post in This thread for poly chopping techinques.



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Thanks Messiah, that was a pretty good model. But it wasn't whatI was looking for. I'm looking for an accurate model of Darth Maul's hilt, with the corrected second blade(instead of starting halfway inside the hilt). Any info would be appreciated, might even earn ya a trial


Damn sig won't show. It's supposed to say:

Mad Onion JK2 ClanLeader (Sith Order)

MasterYoda is Jedi Council ClanLeader

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As far as I know, a proper Maul-style saber doesn't exist. Sure, there can be hilts, but they still have only one blade. /thedestroyer is the only working double saber now, to my knowledge at least. Mods are on their way, but I'm betting them taking a long-ass time before being finished.

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There is a darth maul style saber already in JK2. I forget what cheate codes you need to type in to make it pop up? I think if you search for JK2 cheat codes on google it will show up. It has a second blade that does double the damage. It does poke into you at some points but it doesn't do any damage. It was alot of fun to play around with, but like I said I have forgotten the codes :(


I am not sure if the hilt changed or if it just spawned a second balde out of the bottom. I wasn't paying attention to hilts back then.


I wonder what putting a second *flash tag at the bottom of any saber would do?



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