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It's Still Twist and Slash and HOPE You Hit Them


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Its not the DFA/Backstab spammer that you SEE coming thats the problem. Thats the one you can counter or avoid with ease.


The problem is the one you don't see coming, the one that DFA's into a group of 5 combatants and kills a few, or the backstabber that runs at you from behind, spins and kills you while you're busy with someone in front of you. Protect and dark rage, yea, they'll help you if they pull you (dont know why they would as they have a clean shot at you), but what if they dont pull...just run up behind you and spin/backstab = you dead.


This is the problem, and it is not counterable (unless you consider NEVER letting people get behind you in an situation a counter)



The fact is, backstab spammers will get a lot of kills, and you CAN NOT counter it all the time. Anyone that claims "Oh, STFU you noobs, I NEVER get hit with a backstab, you just suck" are flat out lying. What they are really saying is "I NEVER get hit by a backstab spammer that I see coming, but I've been killed a billion times by ones that snuck up behind me, and since I use the move almost exclusivley, I don't want it changed"


I agree there should be a 1 hit kill move, or 3, one for each stance....backstab shouldn't be it.


"Lets see, I can react fast enough to block point blank laser blasts, have enough skill to make them go directly back at the attacker, but if some idiot runs up to me backwards and does a backstab, I suddenly can't react fast enough to block it even though I'm in a ready position."

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BTW, if you want to try a server with active admins who enforce rules, come to jk2.lowgrav.org.


We have 7-8 admins who are normally on, and enforce rules like no pull/backstab-sweep combos, no attacking people with sabers down, etc. We have regular players, some who only play to train others in techniques.

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Originally posted by TheRock

Its not the DFA/Backstab spammer that you SEE coming thats the problem. Thats the one you can counter or avoid with ease.


The problem is the one you don't see coming, the one that DFA's into a group of 5 combatants and kills a few, or the backstabber that runs at you from behind, spins and kills you while you're busy with someone in front of you. Protect and dark rage, yea, they'll help you if they pull you (dont know why they would as they have a clean shot at you), but what if they dont pull...just run up behind you and spin/backstab = you dead.


This is the problem, and it is not counterable (unless you consider NEVER letting people get behind you in an situation a counter)


What you just stated happens in all online games not just this one. In Quake people Spam rockets into crowds, in Unreal they Flak cannon groups of people, and so on.


Quite frankly, an experienced player avoids "mosh pits" for this very reason.


I play mostly saber only full Force FFA and team death match and the notion that you have to run into a large crowd of people spamming a move just to stay number 1 in the server is a falsehood.

My primary strategy in these games is to "roadblock" a hallway or main path that leads to the place where most people congregate to fight. In doing so I pretty much eliminate the chance of a random saber taking me out, and provide myself with a steady stream of kills as players rush back to the center of action after respawning.

I can usually hold a 15 to 20 kill lead over the number 2 guy in a server by simply taking out guys 1, 2 or 3 at a time as the try to get by me.

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I honestly dont see the grounds everyone complains about blocking so much. The blocking was not changed in 1.03, at all. It is your imagination. I have little trouble getting through blue stance, you just have to move around enough to hit them. If you get close enough they will swing, and if you're not it will be blocked, then you move to thier side and hack them up.

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Originally posted by Lime-Light

I honestly dont see the grounds everyone complains about blocking so much. The blocking was not changed in 1.03, at all. It is your imagination.



Originally posted by ChangKhan[RAVEN]

Parries, deflections, reflections, broken parries and knockaways were put into MP (these were in SP but were not in MP).[/Quote]






"Blocking" as in Parries, deflections, reflections were put into v1.03.

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